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湘潭是解放后逐步建设起来的新兴工业城市,现辖一市一县六区,共有1400多家工交企业。党的十一届三中全会以来,我市工交企业由单纯生产型逐步向生产经营型转变,政府机构的职能也在逐步转变。改革给我们管理企业档案工作提出了许多新课题。近几年来,我们对新形势下如何管好搞活企业档案工作,使之更好地为经济建设和改革开放服务,进行了共同探索。一、深化认识,把企业档案工作提到促进经济建设和严格执法的高度来齐抓共管企业扩大自主权、政府机构转变职能后,我们作为企业主管部门和档案行政管理机构,对企业档案工作是撒手不管,还是强化管理,这是我们首先要解决的认识问题。我们认为,促进生产力发展,加快经济建设步伐,是我们政府机构考虑问题的出发点和检验工作的根本标准。我们注意到,随着改革开放搞活的深入,企业的生产经营管理越来越迫切要求系统、广泛、大量、迅速地利用档案信息,而企业的现有档案 Xiangtan, a newly industrialized city gradually built up after the liberation, has jurisdiction over six districts and one county and a total of more than 1,400 industrial and commercial enterprises. Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the city’s work-making enterprises have been gradually transformed from a purely productive type to a production-oriented type and the functions of government agencies have also been gradually changing. The reform has given us many new topics for managing corporate archives. In recent years, we have conducted joint exploration on how to properly manage enterprise archives in the new situation so that they can better serve the economic construction and reform and opening up. First, to deepen our understanding of the work of the enterprise file referred to the promotion of economic construction and strict enforcement of the law to catch up with the expansion of ownership autonomy, government agencies to change their functions, we as the business department and the file management agency, the enterprise file is Disregarding or strengthening management is our understanding problem to be solved first. In our opinion, promoting the development of the productive forces and accelerating the pace of economic construction are the fundamental criteria for our government agencies to consider the issue as starting points and inspection work. We have noticed that with the deepening of the reform and opening up, the management of production and operation of enterprises is pressing more and more urgently to make systematic, extensive, massive and rapid use of archival information, and the existing archives of enterprises
拙编《刘半农书话》搜寻刘半农各个时期为自己和他人著译所作序跋四十余篇 ,三分之二为集外文。但仍有遗珠之憾 ,一九三二年七月刘半农为周志辅辑《五十年来北平戏剧史材》所