思路引领出路 第二批科技强警示范城市技防建设回眸

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如果说第一批科技强警示范城市建设给公安科技工作带来的是一次跨越式发展的话,毫无凝问,第二批科技强警示范城市建设给公安工作带来了一次质的飞跃。尽管信息化的大潮才渐渐拉开公安科技发展的幕帷,但其节奏之快,已经使得人们无法拷贝曾经行之有效的历史经验。持续不断的技术进步,给公安工作插上了腾飞的翅膀。据不完全统计,从2006年到2007年两年间,全国第二批38个科技强警示范建设城市累计投入资金上百亿,围绕公安中心工作,以科技强警示范城市建设为平台,以深化科技应用为重点,以监控联网建设为关键;建设了包括治安监控图像系统、智能交通系统、卡口智能化信息管理系统、警用地理信息系统、GPS卫星定位系统和应急处置辅助决策系统等一批服务公安实战的科技应用系统。切实找准科技在公安工作中的准确定位,大大提升了科技在公安实战中的贡献率,科技在公安工作中的作用日趋凸显。2008年5月4日至6月2日,公安部、科技部组织专家分别对38个示范建设城市进行了现场验收考核。记者有幸跟随验收考核专家组采访,一路走来,感触良多。总结起来一句话“思路引领出路,注重科技服务实战”的科技强警示范城市建设思维给记者留下了深刻印象。应该说,科技强警示范城市建设的内容比较多,本文就选择其中的治安防控系统的建设理念和思路做一些简单分析,希望能起到抛砖引玉的作用。 If the first group of high-tech police demonstration city construction to public security science and technology work is brought about by a leapfrog development, there is no condensing question, the second batch of science and technology police demonstration city construction to the public security work has brought a qualitative leap. Although the tide of informatization has gradually opened the curtain of the development of public security science and technology, its rapid pace has made it impossible for people to copy the once-valid historical experience. Continued technical progress, plug the soaring wings of public security work. According to incomplete statistics, from 2006 to 2007, the second batch of 38 high-tech demonstration cities in science and technology in the country has invested a total of 10 billion yuan. Around the work of the public security center, with the demonstration of science and technology building a strong police city as a platform to deepen Science and technology as the key to monitoring the construction of the network as the key; construction, including security surveillance image system, intelligent transportation system, Bayonet intelligent information management system, police geographic information system, GPS satellite positioning system and emergency response support decision-making system Serve the public security actual combat technology application system. Accurately identify the precise positioning of science and technology in public security work, greatly enhance the contribution rate of science and technology in public security combat, science and technology in public security work has become increasingly prominent role. May 4, 2008 to June 2, the Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Science and experts organized the site of 38 demonstration cities were assessed. Reporters have the honor to follow the acceptance inspection expert group interviewed, along the way, feel a lot. Summed up the sentence “thinking leads the way, focusing on science and technology services actual combat ” model of strong police science and technology city construction thinking left a deep impression on reporters. It should be said that there are many contents for the building of a city with a strong police science and technology model. This article makes some simple analyzes on the construction idea and train of thought of selecting the public security prevention and control system and hopes to play a valuable role.
拙编《刘半农书话》搜寻刘半农各个时期为自己和他人著译所作序跋四十余篇 ,三分之二为集外文。但仍有遗珠之憾 ,一九三二年七月刘半农为周志辅辑《五十年来北平戏剧史材》所