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  What does an anime studio do when you have a bunch of money from a successful licensed[特许的] anime[动画]? They go and make an original series! The Rolling Girls is a brandnew anime from Wit Studio, the folks[人们] behind everyone’s favorite, Attack on Titan. Is The Rolling Girls actually paid for by the anime superpower? We don’t know, but we’d love to think so, because The Rolling Girls is an animated joy to watch.
  Japan is in chaos[混乱]. Set ten years after a war that split[分裂] the country into its ten original prefectures[县], we’re thrown head-first into absolute[绝对的] craziness. Each city-state battles against the other, represented[代表] by mercenaries[雇佣兵] and vigilantes[治安维持者] from the war with special abilities. These unique individuals are called “Bests” and everyone else? Well, would it surprise you that they’re often called the “Rest?” Yup, The Rolling Girls is pretty straightforward[直接的].
  In the first episode[集] we’re introduced to several characters in a blend of strange costumes[服装] and outfits[装备], with out-of-this-world weapons like a gigantic[巨大的] safety pin[别针]. The episode dumps[倾倒] us right in the middle of a battle between Kuniko Shigyou and a Tokorozawa Best named Maccha Green, and it is quite the visual treat[款待] as they spar[拳击] in a dynamic[动态的], snappy[生气勃勃的] style.
  If it doesn’t make much sense, don’t worry about it—because neither does the show. Things happen in The Rolling Girls because they’re fun, not because they necessarily make any logical sense. Why is there a cosplaying[角色扮演] security squad? Because they want to cosplay. That’s all. You’ll surely get some answers about the heart-shaped stones eventually, but otherwise just enjoy the ride.
  The opening is exactly what you’d expect for this kind of show: the four leads playing in a band to peppy[精神十足的] J-pop[日本流行音乐], lit with neon[霓虹灯] backgrounds and splashes[泼溅] of bright colors. Also of note[值得注意的] is the great background music, which is perfectly high-energy. The audio generally pulls its weight[努力做好分内工作], which makes everything more rich as a result.
  The Rolling Girls is a surprise. It has one of the best opening episodes this season, and it shoves[推] a colorful, crazy world into your lap. It feels confident! Watching Wit Studio create something truly unique and enjoyable is a real treat. Don’t miss out on[错失] The Rolling Girls!
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