
来源 :山东社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mingxingc
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以2001——2016年上半年CNKI(中国知网,英文简称CNKI)收录的学术文献为研究对象,采用文献定量分析方法对论文发表年份数量、论文选题方向、论文发表层级进行分类分析;采用定性分析方法,分别以公益诉讼基本范畴的内涵和外延为视角,从公益诉讼研究的原点“公益”出发,研究公益诉讼的概念、分类与公益诉讼的主体和制度构建等学术论文。研究发现,当前公益诉讼研究与经济发展和公共政策调整表现出同步性的特征。由于作为公益诉讼的本源,既何为公益的研究有待厘清,尚未形成主流认识,致使关于何为公益诉讼概念模糊;公益诉讼的分类标准不统一,诉讼类型重叠,导致基于不同标准而展开的原告资格讨论与相应制度构建众说纷纭。通过对现有的公益诉讼学术成果梳理,寻找出未来公益诉讼研究的方向和破解阻碍公益诉讼司法运行的症结所在。 Taking the academic literature of CNKI (CNKI, English abbreviation CNKI) as the research object from 2001 to the first half of 2016, the quantitative analysis of the paper was used to analyze the number of published papers, the topic selection of papers and the level of published papers. From the perspective of the connotation and extension of the basic categories of public interest litigation, from the origin of public interest litigation research, this paper studies the concept of public interest litigation, the classification and the subject of public interest litigation and the establishment of institutional papers. The study found that the current public interest litigation research and economic development and public policy adjustments show the characteristics of synchronization. As the origin of public interest litigation, neither the research on public welfare needs to be clarified, nor the mainstream understanding, which has led to the ambiguity of the concept of public interest litigation. The non-uniform classification standards of public interest litigation and the overlapping of litigation types lead to plaintiffs based on different standards Qualification discussion and the construction of the corresponding system divergent opinions. By combing the existing academic achievements of public interest litigation, we can find the direction of future public interest litigation research and the crux of cracking down the judicial operation of public interest litigation.
本报讯 (见习记者 王雯丽 通讯员 汪晓靓) “参加工作第一年,我就认识了我老伴……”5月27日上午,在衢化会展中心,一群退休老人聚在一起回忆往事,享受快乐,不时传出愉悦的笑声。柯城