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美声唱法这个舶来品在中国经历将近一百年的发展现如今已成果丰硕,但由于其属性与中国广大人民群众有一种天生的距离感,人们对它的了解还是不够深入。我国地域宽广各地的语言虽基本都是讲汉语,但是语音却各不相同产生了具有本地域特点的方言俗话说“十里不同音”。方言一种人们对自己家乡地域归属感最为熟悉的一个载体。试想在美声唱法中引入方言不仅可以产生一种新的表演形式丰富我们的文化生活,也可以使广大的人民群众都更能接受和了解这个舶来品。 The soundtrack has enjoyed fruitful development for almost a century now in China. However, due to its innate sense of distance from the broad masses of the people in China, its understanding is still not deep enough. Although the languages ​​in various regions of our country are basically speaking Chinese, their voices are not the same. As a result, the dialect with the characteristics of the local area is said to be “different in ten miles.” Dialect A kind of people’s sense of belonging to their hometown is the most familiar carrier. Trying to introduce dialects into the Bel Canto can not only create a new form of performance that enriches our cultural life, but also enables the broad masses of people to better understand and understand this exotic product.
A potent anxiolytic 4-butyl-α-agarofuran (AF-5) was synthesized from (+)dihydro-carvone. Acid catalyzed hydration of (+)dihydrocarvone and interconversion wit
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川畸病 (KD)主要侵犯婴幼儿 ,美国 80 %的 KD患儿在 5岁以下 ,90 %在 8岁以下 ,平均发病年龄 2 .3岁 ,高峰为 1~ 2岁。现报道 2 8例发病年龄≥ 8岁的 KD患儿的流行病学及临床
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患者,男,19岁,浙江海宁县农民,住院号159497。 1个月前左足底被锈钉刺伤伴感染,5天来张口困难,并有阵发性抽搐2天入院。检查:稍呈苦笑面,双侧眼脸瞬目运动良好,眼裂大小相等
五氟苯乙烯与三乙基硅烷、一氧化碳在八羰基钴催化下反应得一个位置和立体异体 (五氟苯基烯基硅醚 )的混和物 . Pentafluorostyrene reacted with triethylsilane and carbo