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社会主义建设已经进入了新的历史时期,为适应新时期任务的要求,必须加紧建设一支强有力的、宏大的企业政治工作队伍,以加强企业的思想政治工作,这对于在本世纪末实现工农业总产值翻两番的战略目标,有着十分重要的意义。建国以来,我们企业发扬了党的优良传统,在企业中建设了一支比较得力的政治工作队伍,为保证完成党在各个时期的中心任务,起了极为重要的作用。十年内乱,企业的政工队伍和企业的思想政治工作受到了严重的削弱和坏破。粉碎“四人帮”特别是党的十一届三中全会以来,经过拨乱反正,企业的政治工作及政工队伍的思想状况和组织状况,发生了明显的变化,主要表现在:企业的政工队伍已由过去那种以“阶级斗争为纲”,主要从事政治运动,转到了以四化建设 Socialist construction has entered a new historical period. To meet the requirements of the new period, we must step up the building of a strong and ambitious corporate political work team to strengthen the ideological and political work of enterprises. The strategic goal of quadrupling the total output value of agriculture is of great significance. Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, our enterprises have carried forward the fine tradition of the party and built a fairly capable political work team in the enterprises. They have played an extremely important role in ensuring that the party’s central task in various periods is completed. During the 10 years of civil strife, the political and military workforce and the ideological and political work of enterprises have been severely weakened and broken. Since smashing the “Gang of Four,” especially since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, obvious changes have taken place in the political work of the enterprises and the ideological status and organizational conditions of the political work force. The main manifestations are as follows: The political workforce of the enterprise has changed from the past The kind of “class struggle as the key link” is mainly engaged in political movements, transferred to the four modernizations
Mobile phone subscribers are fed up with junk mails and are calling for measures to ban it Mobile phone subscribers are fed up with junk mails and are calling
Google的另一个CFOG o o g l e有一个C E O(首席执行官)、一个C O O(首席运营官)、一个C T O(首席技术官),但却有两个C F O:一个就是首席财务官;另一个则是首席烹饪官——C h
1. 若函数[f(x)=x(2x+1)(x-a)]为奇函数,则[a=]( )  A. [12] B. [23]  C. [34] D. 1
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