
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liusiyu111
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Purpose: To evaluate the ability of scanning laser polarimetry parameters and a novel deviation map algorithm to discriminate between healthy and early glaucomatous eyes with localized visual field (VF) defects confined to one hemi-field. Design: Prospective case-control study. Participants: Seventy glaucomatous ey es with localized VF defects and 66 normal controls. Methods: A Humphrey field analyzer 24-2 full-threshold test and scanning laser polarimetry with variable corneal compensation were used. Main Outcome Measures: We assessed the sensitivity and specificity of scanning laser polarimetry parameters, sensitivity and cutoff values for scanning laser polarimetry deviation map algorithms at different specificity values (80%, 90%, and 95%) in the detection of glaucoma, and correlations between the algorithms of scanning laser polarimetry and of the pattern deviation derived from Humphrey field analyzer testing. Results: There were significant differences between the glaucoma group and normal subjects in the mean parametric values of the temporal, superior, nasal, inferior, temporal (TSNIT) average, superior average, inferior average, and TSNIT standard deviation (SD) (P < 0.05). The sensitivity and specificity of each scanning laser polarimetry variable was as follows: TSNIT, 44.3%(95%confidence interval CI-, 39.8%-49.8 %) and 100%(95.4%-100%); superior average, 30%(25.5%-34.5%) and 97%(93.5%-100%); inferior average, 45.7%(42.2%-49.2%) and 100%(95.8%-100%); and TSNIT SD, 30%(25.9%-34.1%) and 97%(93.2%-100%), respectively (when abnormal was defined as P < 0.05). Based on nerve fiber indicator cutoff values of < 30 and < 51 to indicate glaucoma, sensitivities were 54.3%(50.1%-58.5%) and 10%(6.4%-13.6%), and specificities were 97%(93.2%-100%)-and 100%( 95.8%-100%), respectively. The range of areas under the receiver operating ch aracteristic curves using the scanning laser polarimetry deviation map algorithm was 0.790 to 0.879. Overall sensitivities combining each probability scale and severity score at 80%, 90%, and 95%specificities were 90.0%(95%CI, 86.4%- 93.6%), 71.4%(67.4%-75.4%), and 60.0%(56.2%-63.8%), respectively. There was a statistically significant correlation between the scanning laser polarime try severity score and the VF severity score (R2=0.360, P < 0.001). Conclusions: Scanning laser polarimetry parameters may not be sufficiently sensitive to dete ct glaucomatous patients with localized VF damage. Our algorithm using the scann ing laser polarimetry deviation map may enhance the understanding of scanning la ser polarimetry printouts in terms of the locality, deviation size, and severity of localized retinal nerve fiber layer defects in eyes with localized VF loss. Purpose: To evaluate the ability of scanning laser polarimetry parameters and a novel deviation map algorithm to discriminate between healthy and early glaucomatous eyes with localized visual field (VF) defects confined to one hemi-field. Design: Prospective case-control study. Methods: A Humphrey field analyzer 24-2 full-threshold test and scanning laser polarimetry with variable corneal compensation were used. Main Outcome Measures: We assessed the sensitivity and specificity of scanning laser polarimetry parameters, sensitivity and cutoff values ​​for scanning laser polarimetry deviation map algorithms at different specificity values ​​(80%, 90%, and 95%) in the detection of glaucoma, and correlations between the algorithms of scanning laser polarimetry and of the pattern deviation derived from Humphrey field analyzer testing. Results: There were significant differences between the glaucoma group and normal subjects in the mean parametric values ​​of the temporal, superior, nasal, inferior, temporal (TSNIT) average, superior average, inferior average, and TSNIT standard deviation (SD) 44.5% (95% confidence interval CI-, 39.8% -49.8%) and 100% (95.4% -100%); superior average, 30% (25.5% -34.5%) and 97 (93.5% -100%); inferior average 45.7% (42.2% -49.2%) and 100% (95.8% -100%); and TSNIT SD 30% (25.9% -34.1%) and 97% Based on nerve fiber indicator cutoff values ​​of <30 and <51 to indicate glaucoma, sensitivities were 54.3% (50.1% -58.5%) and 10% (% -100%), respectively 6.4% -13.6%), and specificities were 97% (93.2% -100%) - and 100% (95.8% -100%), respectively. The range of areas under the receiver operating chracteristic curves using the scanning laser polarimetry deviation map algorithm was 0.790 to 0.879. Overall sensitivities combining each(95% CI, 86.4% -93.6%), 71.4% (67.4% -75.4%), and 60.0% (56.2% -63.8%) at 80%, 90%, and 95% There was a significant correlation between the scanning laser polarime try severity score and the VF severity score (R2 = 0.360, P <0.001). Conclusions: Scanning laser polarimetry parameters may not be sufficient sensitive to dete ct glaucomatous patients with localized VF damage. Our algorithm using the scann ing laser polarimetry deviation map may enhance the understanding of scanning la ser polarimetry printouts in terms of the locality, deviation size, and severity of localized retinal nerve fiber layer defects in eyes with localized VF loss.
“司马”一姓大家都很熟悉,历史上有司马相如、司马迁、司马光等名人、大家。但“司马”一词最早并非姓氏,而是古代的官名,后来有人以官为姓,它这才成为一个姓氏。  司马作为官职,在西周时开始设置,与司徒、司空并称“三有司”,亦称“三有事”。司马为朝廷重臣,掌管军政与军赋,常常领兵出征,所率军队为六个师或八个师不等,相当于大将军。  春秋时,各诸侯国官制中都有司马一职。有的诸侯国还设有大司马,此外还有左司
Background: The ear’s specific anatomical and lymphatic characteristics impose special requirements on the treatment of melanoma of the ear. Objectives: The ai
摘 要: 本文主要针对高职院校职业英语教学的现状和存在的问题,初步探索提高职业英语教学质量的措施和方法,以期对高职职业英语教学有所裨益。  关键词: 高职院校 职业英语 英语教学  随着我国改革开放的日益深入,国际化程度越来越高,社会对高职学生外语水平的要求也相应随之提高,而如今高职院校的英语教学仍存在诸多问题,不能从根本上提高学生职业英语的实际应用能力,不符合我国未来国际化发展的人才需求。本文就
未来汽车可用语音控制未来驾驶汽车,不再是只能依靠手动,语音等方式也有可能成为未来汽车的辅助驾驶途径之一,这是福特公司推出福特Model U系列概念车所希望传达给人们的信息
1. 直称姓名大致有三种情况:(1)自称姓名或名。如“五步之内,相如请得以颈血溅大王矣”,“庐陵文天祥自序其诗”。(2)用于介绍或作传。如“遂与鲁肃俱诣孙权”,“柳敬亭者,扬之泰州人”。(3)称所厌恶、所轻视的人。如“不幸吕师孟构恶于前,贾余庆献谄于后”。  2. 称字。古人幼时命名,成年(男20岁、女15岁)取字,字和名有意义上的联系。字是为了便于他人称呼,对平辈或尊长称字是一种礼貌和尊敬。如称