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1979—1985年在四川省阿坝州越夏区进行条锈病发生规律调查。该地区海拔2900米以上的晚熟小麦约2.5万亩,条锈病持续发生至9月下旬,为自生麦苗和部分早播秋苗提供菌源。自生麦苗的发病面积近3万亩,其中休闲地约2.5万亩,主要分布在松潘、黑水2400—2900米地区,自生麦苗较多,发病较重;荞麦复种地约4000亩,主要分布在黑水、茂汶和汶川等地1700—2500米地带,自生麦苗较少,发病较轻。自生麦苗提供菌源的关键时期是9月上旬至10月下旬。秋苗发病面积约3.7万亩,主要分布在松潘、黑水2700—2950米地带,自9月中旬至12月下旬不断发生流行,而以8月中旬至9月中旬播种的秋苗发病较重,菌源较多,这在越夏菌源传播中起着很重要的作用。条锈菌在阿坝州又可越冬,构成周年侵染循环,常年流行,这不仅严重危害当地小麦生产,而且向广大冬麦区秋苗提供大量菌源。因此,综合治理阿坝州越夏区至关重要。 1979-1985 in the Aba prefecture in Sichuan Province summer stripe rust stripe rust investigation. The area is about 25,000 hectares of late-maturing wheat more than 2,900 meters above sea level. Stripe rust continues to occur until late September, providing a source of viable wheat seedlings and some of the early autumn seedlings. The incidence of wheat germ born nearly 30,000 mu, of which about 25,000 acres of leisure, mainly in Songpan, Heishui 2400-2900 meters, more self-generating wheat seedlings, the incidence of heavier; buckwheat about 4,000 acres of plots, mainly distributed in Blackwater, Maowen and Wenchuan 1700-2500 meters and other areas, less self-born wheat seedlings, the incidence of less. The key period for providing viable wheat seedlings is from early September to late October. Autumn seedlings disease area of ​​about 3.7 million mu, mainly in Songpan, blackwater 2700-2950 meters, from September to late December continued to occur, while in mid-August to mid-September planting autumn seedlings heavier , More bacterial sources, which play a very important role in the summer spread of bacteria. Stripe rust in Aba can winter, constitute annual cycle of infection, perennial epidemic, which not only seriously endanger the local wheat production, but also to the vast winter wheat seedlings provide a large number of sources. Therefore, the comprehensive management of the Yue area in Aba Prefecture is crucial.
科学家成功地培养出一种“转基因”蚊子,并打算用这种蚊子控制疟疾的传播。这项发表在《自然》期刊上的最新研究成果称,实验中发现,被这种蚊子“新品种” 叮咬过的老鼠不会患
小地老虎 Agrotis ypsilon(Rottem-berg)是一种多食性害虫,为了探讨不同食料对小地老虎生长发育与繁殖的影响,笔者于1985年7月至1987年5月,在室内进行系统的饲养和观察。现
本文报导了从呼和浩特市郊采集和分离到的天幕毛虫(Ma1acosoma neutria testacea M)核型多角体病毒对3龄初天幕毛虫幼虫的毒力测定结果。幼虫死亡率随感染浓度的增大而上升,
白腹皮蠹(Dermestes vulpinus Fab.)是云南省重要的仓库害虫之一,主要为害各种动物性中药材如鹿茸、熊掌、乌梢蛇、翠蛇、虎骨、豹骨、蝉蜕、蜈蚣等以及各种毛皮、腌腊肉类
〔英〕/Kumari K…∥J Ethnopharmacol.-2007,109(3).-367~371采用甲醇提取、连续离子交换柱色谱分离、丙酮重结晶方法,从洋葱Allium cepa Linn球茎中分离出S-甲基半胱氨酸亚
从土壤和病株上分离到10个线虫的天敌真菌菌株,其中有三个菌株较有希望,烛台霉属(Candelabrello sp.)一个。孤孢属(Monacrosporium spp.)两个,菌株代号分别为CN_7;CN_(?)和CN