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目前全国推行全面质量管理的形势很好,推行全面质量管理已列入国家计划,从今年起要实行全面规划、分类指导、梯次展开、滚动前进。推行全面质量管理工作将分为三个时期,一是准备期,即八八年列入推行计划的企业,必须做好前期准备工作,打好基础;二是推行期,即八七年列入推行计划的企业,全国有1700个企业,其中含我部十三个,今年必须达到国家经委下达的“八条基本要求”;三是发展期,即八六年经检查已达标的企业,全国有1300个企业,其中含我部十二个,这些企业要继续发展提高。我们必须看到,我部今年列入推行计划的十三个企业,推行工作起点低,难度大,需要花大力气才能达到国家经委的要求。为此我刊全文转载经委八条要求,希望大家能认真学好、贯彻好,把我部的推行工作逐步引向深入。 At present, the overall situation of the implementation of total quality management is very good. The implementation of total quality management has been included in the national plan. From this year onwards, comprehensive planning, classification guidance, echelon development, and rolling progress will be implemented. The implementation of total quality management will be divided into three periods. First, the preparation period, that is, the enterprises listed in the implementation plan in 1988, must do a good job in preparatory work and lay a good foundation; the second is the implementation period, that is, inclusion in 1987 The enterprises that implement the plan have 1,700 enterprises across the country, including 13 in our Ministry. This year must meet the “eight basic requirements” issued by the State Economic Commission; the third is the period of development, that is, the enterprises that have passed inspection in 1986, and there are There are 1,300 companies, including 12 in our department, and these companies must continue to develop and improve. We must see that the 13 enterprises that our Ministry has included in the implementation plan this year have a low starting point for implementation and are difficult to implement. It takes great efforts to meet the requirements of the State Economic Commission. To this end, I have published the full text of the Economic Commission’s eight requirements. I hope that everyone can conscientiously study and carry out the work well, and gradually deepen the implementation of our department.
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