
来源 :植物保护学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:waq
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自七十年代以来,我们对新疆哈密瓜主要产区出现的哈密瓜死秧问题,进行了调查研究。开始认为是由镰孢菌为害所引起的,后经反复分离、培养和回接,证明引起死秧主要是由疫霉菌(Phytophthora)为害所致,并对从乌鲁木齐地区分离得到的81-4号菌株,进行了病原菌形态、生物学特性和寄主范围的研究。确定该菌株为Phytophthora melonis Katsura。疫霉菌可侵染为害哈密瓜的根、蔓、叶和果实,以根茎部发病较多。该病多发生于7~8月,高温、高湿是发病流行的关键因素,水质、水量、前作等都直接影响病害的发生和消长。经试验示范,初步总结出一套以严格选地、合理浇水、地膜覆盖为中心的哈密瓜疫霉病综合防治措施,在生产中已初见成效。 Since the 1970s, we conducted a survey on the dead seedlings of Hami melon in the main producing areas of Hami melon in Xinjiang. Initially considered to be caused by the Fusarium damage, after repeated separation, culture and reconnection, proved that the cause of dead seedlings is mainly caused by Phytophthora (Phytophthora) caused by harm and from the Urumqi region isolated 81-4 Strain, the pathogen morphology, biological characteristics and host range of research. The strain was identified as Phytophthora melonis Katsura. Phytophthora infestation can damage the roots of cantaloupe, vine, leaf and fruit, rhizome more incidence. The disease occurred in July to August, high temperature, high humidity is the key factor in the prevalence of the epidemic, water quality, water quality, before the direct impact on the occurrence and decline of diseases. The pilot demonstration, initially summed up a set of strict selection, reasonable watering, mulching plastic mulberry melon blight as the center of a comprehensive prevention and control measures, has achieved initial success in the production.
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从哈密瓜上分离到两种引起坏死症状的病毒,称为哈密瓜坏死病毒(HmNV)和哈密瓜叶脉坏死病毒(H-mVNV).两者都能系统感染哈密瓜,响影植株滞长. HmNV可侵染葫芦科、豆科和茄科的1
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我国研究应用病原微生物防治害虫,其中白僵菌(Beauveria bassiana)是最多最广泛的一个病原真菌。据统计全国白僵菌的年产量达3,000t 以上,防治面积高的年分达2,000万亩,防治