
来源 :福建税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinshouji1
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漫谈新税制实施的舆论引导福建省人民广播电台/林宝珠新的税制于1994年元旦起在我省实施。由于这次税制改革事关国计民生,涉及千家万户,受到全社会普遍关注,因此我们把搞好这项宣传工作,做好整个改革宣传的重点。从去年10月,国家税务总局召开全国税制改革工作... Talk about the implementation of the new tax system of public opinion to guide the Fujian Provincial People’s Broadcasting Station / Lin Baozhu new tax system in New Year’s Day in 1994 since the implementation of our province. Since the reform of the taxation system is related to the people’s livelihood and the people’s livelihood and involves all kinds of people, it has drawn the general concern of the whole society. Therefore, we should focus our attention on this propaganda work and publicize the entire reform. From last October, the State Administration of Taxation held a national tax reform work ...
褐飞虱(Nilaparvata lugens)在温带地区不能越冬,每年从热带入侵中国夏季水稻种植区。中国科学家已经发现,在秋季的后几个世代形成一系列向西南方的回迁,1988年9月间在南京
利用特种蛋白质染料考马斯亮蓝(Coomassie Brilliant Blue R—250)和棉蓝乳酚液快速撕表皮染色法,镜捡16个4种不同抗病类型小麦品种,观察不同抗病性品种与白粉病菌吸器的关系
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从哈密瓜上分离到两种引起坏死症状的病毒,称为哈密瓜坏死病毒(HmNV)和哈密瓜叶脉坏死病毒(H-mVNV).两者都能系统感染哈密瓜,响影植株滞长. HmNV可侵染葫芦科、豆科和茄科的1
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