
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hjjytsfsdf
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改革开放以来,美丽的青岛经济迅猛发展,人居环境位于全国前列,文化事业空前繁荣。2004年是广播电视的数字发展年和产业发展年,由于青岛在全国有线电视数字化建设方面领先一步,因而再度引起中国广播电视界的瞩目,一时成为业界的热门话题。受本刊编辑部委派,记者于今年3月上旬专程赴青岛对有线数字电视的发展情况进行了实地调研。 Since the reform and opening up, the beautiful Qingdao economy has developed rapidly. The living environment is at the forefront of the whole country and the cause of culture is unprecedentedly prosperous. 2004 was the year of digital development and industrial development of radio and television. As Qingdao took a leading step in the national digitalization of cable television, it once again caught the attention of China’s radio and television industry and became a hot topic in the industry. Commissioned by our editorial department, the reporter made a special trip to Qingdao in early March this year to conduct a field survey of the development of cable digital television.
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