牡丹江铁路分局对管内安全技术装备进行了全面调查,从1985年以来,机车“三大件”的安全技术装备,已从试装发展到普及,从功能单一发展到完善,并已初步形成体系,有效地提高了行车“三防”、“两冒”的能力,为确保行车安全起了重要作用。 1 基本情况 牡丹江铁路分局在强化安全基础方面,推行了以行车安全为主攻方向,不断开展技术攻关的方针,现已做到了机车“三大件”、无线调车
Mudanjiang Railway Branch conducted a comprehensive investigation of the safety technology and equipment in the pipe. Since 1985, the safety and technical equipment for the “three big pieces” of locomotives have been developed from the pilot to the universal, from single function to perfect function, and have initially formed a system, Effectively improve the traffic “three defenses”, “two take the” ability to ensure traffic safety has played an important role. 1 Basic Information Mudanjiang Railway Branch has taken the principle of “driving safety as the main direction” and continuously carried out technical tackling measures in the aspect of strengthening the safety foundation. Now Mudanjiang Railway Branch has achieved the goal of “three major pieces of locomotives”, wireless shunting