More Evidence of Life on Mars?

来源 :科技英语学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chrisjane
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茫茫宇宙,人类从未停止过对它的探索,其中,我们始终抱以热忱的就是在地球以外寻找其他生命。外星人、UFO的报道也曾风靡一时。对于地球的近邻火星,人们很早就相信有关“火星人”的存在,后因证据不足而被人淡忘。然而,本文却告诉读者,火星上可能真的存在,或曾经存在生命。 科学家麦基郑重宣布,two additional meteorites contain features thatresemble Earth bacteria。既然是additional,此前肯定还有其他发现。不错,此公曾在几年前宣布过他在南极洲的发现,不料招来一片讨伐,反面论据似乎更为确凿:… the disputed formations in the meteorite found in Antarctica areterrestrial bacteria like those found in surrounding ice… The features thathad been interpreted as bacteria,that study says,are nothing more than thefractured surfaces of crystals.然而,麦基并不灰心,又挟最新研究成果卷土重来。有了前次的挫折,这次自然态度更为谨慎,论据更有说服力。读罢,给人的感觉是火星上存在生命的可能极大。欲知究竟,请慢读全文。 阅读本文,笔者在获得一些科学新知的同时,还深深为科学家麦基锲而不舍、百折不挠的科学精神所打动。这也是在阅读科普短文中的一种新的体验。 In the universe, humanity has never stopped exploring it. Among them, what we are always enthusiastic about is finding other lives outside the earth. Reports by aliens and UFOs have also been rampant. For Mars, the planet’s close neighbor, people have long believed that the existence of Martians was forgotten because of insufficient evidence. However, this article tells the reader that Mars may indeed exist or have existed. Scientist McKee solemnly announced that two additional meteorites contain features that resemble Earth bacteria. Since it is additional, there must have been other findings. Yes, this man announced his discovery in Antarctica a few years ago. Unexpectedly, he has attracted a crusade. The contrary argument seems to be more conclusive: ... the disputed formations in the meteorite found in Antarctica areterrestrial bacteria like those found in surrounding ice... The features Thathad been interpreted as bacteria, that study says, are nothing more than thefractured surfaces of crystals. However, McGee is not discouraged, and the latest research results come back. With the previous setbacks, this natural attitude is more cautious and arguments are more convincing. Reading it gives people the feeling that life on Mars may be great. For more information, please read the full text slowly. Reading this article, while gaining some new scientific knowledge, the author deeply impressed by the perseverance and scientific spirit of the scientist McKee. This is also a new experience in reading the science essay.
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