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“统计理财”栏目开办半年以来,得到了许多同志、朋友、师长实际的、道义上的大力支持。我们在约稿时了解到,统计方法确实在股市、邮市、汇市、收藏等投资领域应用广泛,一些作者还为办好该栏目提出了很多好建议。著名统计学家黄良文教授在慷慨赐稿时来信予以热情鼓励和指导。 黄教授写到:我认为这个主意很好,举办这个栏目不但可以扩大宣传投资理财知识,而且也使统计方法开辟崭新的领域,纠正长期存在的、认为统计只是为了填几张报表、计算几个指标的狭隘观念。统计在市场经济里应该有更大的作为,金融领域的统计方法的应用正是全世界都在关注和研究的课题。办好“统计理财”栏目,我体会是否可以考虑几点: 1.突出统计方法的应用。把投资理财问题的提出和解决融入到数量分析方法的展开过程。投资理财问题有的属于理论方法性问题,有的属于政策性问题,有的属于实务性问题。我们着重于第一类问题。 2.针对当前大家在投资理财方面感兴趣、热点讨论的问题。满足读者的需要仍是第一位的要求,有的方法虽然很简单,但问题很重要,有的则是读者等待要解决的问题,我们要多搜集这方面的题材。 3.是普及性的、不是学术性的,但是通俗不等于肤浅。我希望能够用平易的语言或实例来说明一些重要的道理,或得出某种? Since the “Statistics Management” section was opened for six months, many comrades, friends and teachers have been given real and moral support. When we learned about the draft, we did find that the statistical methods are widely used in the investment fields such as the stock market, the postal market, the foreign exchange market and the collection. Some authors also put forward many good suggestions for running this section. Professor Huang Liangwen, a famous statistician, enthusiastically encouraged and instructed with a generous letter of thanks. Professor Huang wrote: I think this idea is very good. Holding this column can not only expand the publicity on investment and wealth management knowledge, but also open new areas of statistics to correct long-standing problems and think that the statistics are just for filling in a few statements and counting a few Narrow gauge of indicators. Statistics in the market economy should have a greater act, the application of statistical methods in the financial field is the world’s attention and research topics. To do a good job of “statistical wealth management” section, I understand whether it can consider several points: 1. Highlight the application of statistical methods. The investment and financial management issues put forward and resolved into the quantitative analysis of the expansion process. Some investment and financial management issues belong to the theoretical methodological problems, some belong to the policy issues, and some are practical issues. We focus on the first type of problem. 2. For the current interest in investment banking, hot discussion issues. To meet the needs of readers is still the first requirement, although some methods are very simple, but the problem is very important, while others are waiting for readers to solve the problem, we have to collect more subjects in this area. 3 is universal, not academic, but not equal to the superficial popularity. I hope to be able to use plain language or examples to illustrate some of the important truths, or come to some kind?
本文报道了对国内47个地区的部分蜂花粉(Bee Pollen)的菌落总数,大肠菌群数和致病菌(乙型链球菌、沙门氏菌、葡萄球菌)的检测结果。结果表明:这些蜂花粉每克含有的菌落总数在