
来源 :旅游时代 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:redredlove
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来山西旅游,并不是只有厚重的历史和悠久的文化,也有放松心情的绿色山水。『左手一指太行山,右手一指是吕梁』,山西重要山脉之一——太行山以山川秀美而闻名。这里奇峰俊秀,飞瀑流泉,林木葱茏,仿佛黄土高原上的一串绿色翡翠,又让人疑心来到了烟雨朦朦的秀色江南。太行山集雄、险、奇、幽于一体。谷内有绿浪滔天的林海,刀削斧劈的悬崖,千姿百态的山石,甘甜可口的清泉,如练似银的瀑布,碧波荡漾的深潭,雄奇壮丽的庙宇,引人入胜的溶洞,令人神往的传说。遍布峡谷的峭壁悬崖,构成了太行山独特的地形地貌,中科院旅游研究中心与规划设计中心称其为『世界级极品旅游资源』。 To travel in Shanxi, not only the heavy history and long culture, but also relax the green landscape. “The left hand refers to the Taihang Mountains and the right hand refers to the Luliangs.” One of Shanxi’s important mountains - the Taihang Mountains is famous for its beautiful mountains and rivers. Qifeng here handsome, waterfalls spring, verdant forests, as if on the Loess Plateau of a string of green emerald, but also people suspiciously came to the misty rainy scenery of the South. Taihang Mountain set male, insurance, odd, quiet in one. The valley has a monstrous forest of green waves, sharpening ax cliffs, different styles of rocks, sweet and savory springs, such as practicing silver waterfalls, rippling deep pools, majestic temples, fascinating cave, fascinating s legend. Cliff cliffs all over the gorge make up the unique topography of the Taihang Mountains. CAS Tourism Research Center and Planning and Design Center call it a “world-class tourist resource.”
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