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当前,人们在向现代化建设的进军中,包括着在两条战线上的努力:一条是坚持党的基本路线,以经济建设为中心,大力发展生产力,进行社会经济、政治、文化等各方面体制的全面改革;一条则是改造自己陈旧的传统观念和落后的主体素质,以适应深化改革的需要.在一定意义上,可以说这后一条战线上的努力更为艰巨,更重要.因为大力发展生产力,实质是发展人的主体能力.社会各种体制的改革只是为了改变人的社会结构和活动方式,调动人的积极性、主动性和创新精神,但归根到底是为了改造人的传统观念和提高人的主体素质.没有人的主体素质的提高,就不会有生产的发展,就不会有社会的进步,就不会实现社会主义现代化.就当前一些单位和部门存在的问题看,许多是由于领导者素质低下,给国家造成了严重经济损失.这足以说明提高领导者素质十分必要.以企业来看,素质高的领导者,能够以经济效益为中心,以强化企业管理为目的,以盘活资金为重点,以强化市场销售体系为龙头,面向基层,优质服务,在为国家创利,为满足广大群众需要上做出巨大贡献.但有些企业领导者,由于素质低下,不能坚持正确方向,利用职权之便,置企业的兴衰于不顾,有的甚至在酒绿灯红、纸醉金迷面前为之所动,滋长严重的拜金主义,个人主义、金钱至上、以权谋私,甚至大肆侵吞国 At present, people are making progress toward the march of modernization by including their efforts on two fronts: one is to uphold the party’s basic line, take economic construction as the center, vigorously develop productive forces and carry out various social, economic, political and cultural systems The first is to reform our outdated traditional concepts and backward subjective qualities so as to meet the needs of deepening the reform. In a certain sense, the efforts on this latter front can be said to be even more arduous and even more important. Productivity, in essence, is the development of the main body of the ability of the social system of reform is only to change the social structure and activities of people, to mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and innovation, but in the final analysis is to transform people’s traditional concepts and improve The quality of the main body of the individual.No improvement of the quality of the main body of the individual, there will be no development of production, there will be no social progress, and no socialist modernization will be achieved. Looking at the existing problems in some units and departments, many are Due to the low quality of the leaders, the country has caused serious economic losses, which shows that it is necessary to improve the quality of the leaders.On the basis of enterprises, High-quality leaders can take economic benefits as the center, to strengthen the management of enterprises for the purpose, to revitalize the funds as the focus, to strengthen the marketing system as a leader, for grass-roots, quality service, for the country to create profits, in order to meet the needs of the masses However, some business leaders, due to their low quality, can not uphold the correct direction, take advantage of their authority to ignore the rise and fall of their businesses, and even grow in the face of the glittering red cards. Money worship, individualism, money supremacy, abuse of power for personal gain, and even wantonly invade the country
本文对西南天山晚古生代放射虫动物群、硅质岩特征及蛇绿岩的大地构造进行了研究。主要内容及结果如下: 1、在西南天山新发现了保存完好的放射虫动物群,建立了六个放射虫生