First Integral Method to Study Nonlinear Evolution Equations

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  In this paper, we apply thefirst integral method to generalized ZK-BBM equation and Drinefel’d-SokolovWilson system and one-dimensional modified EW-Burgers equation.
  Thefirst integral method is a powerful solution method for obtaining exact solutions of some nonlinear evolution equations. This method wasfirst proposed by Feng [8] in solving Burgers–KdV equation which is based on the ring theory of commutative algebra. This method can be applied to nonintegrable equations as well as to integrable ones.
  Key words
  Firstintegralmethod;GeneralizedZK-BBMequation; Drinefel’d-Sokolov-Wilsonsystem; One-dimensional modified EW-Burgers equation
  Nonlinear evolution equations are widely used to describe complex phenomena in various sciences such asfluid physics, condensed matter, biophysics, plasma physics, nonlinear optics, quantumfield theory and particle physics, etc. In recent decades, several powerful methods have been proposed to construct exact solutionsfornonlinearevolutionequations,suchas tanhmethod[1-3],extendedtanhmethod[4,5],multiple exp-functionmethod [6], transformed rational function method [7] and so on.
  Inthepioneerwork,Feng[8]introducedthefirst integralmethodforareliabletreatmentofthenonlinear PDEs. Theusefulfirstintegralmethodiswidelyusedbymanysuchasin[9-13]andbythereferencetherein.
  Raslan [10] proposed thefirst integral method to solve the Fisher equation. Taghizadeh et al., [11] solved nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation by using thefirst integral method. Tascan et al., [12] used thefirst integral method to obtain the exact solutions of the modified Zakharov–Kuznetsovequation and ZK–MEW equation. Hosseini et al., [13] applied thefirst integral method to obtain the exact solutions of KdV system and Kaup–Boussinesq system and Wu–Zhang system.
  The aim of this paper is tofind exact soliton solutions of generalizedZK-BBM equation and Drinefel’dSokolov-Wilsonsystemandone-dimensionalgeneralizedEW-Burgersequation.bythefirst integralmethod.
  The paper is arranged as follows. In Section 2, we describe briefly thefirst integral method. In Sections 3 - 5 , we apply this method to generalized ZK-BBM equation and Drinefel’d-Sokolov-Wilsonsystem and one-dimensional modified EW-Burgers equation.
  Raslan summarized for usingfirst integral method [10]. Step 1.Consider a general nonlinear PDE in the form
  F(u,ux,uy,ut,uxx,uxy,uxt,...) = 0,(1)
  Using a wave variable whereξ= k(x + ly?λt), we can rewrite Eq. (1) in the following nonlinear ODE
  G(u,u′,u′′,u′′′,...) = 0,(2)
  where the prime denotes the derivation with respect toξ.
  Step 2.Suppose that the solution of ODE (2) can be written as follows: u(x,y,t) = u(ξ) = f(ξ).(3) Step 3.We introduce a new independent variable X(ξ) = f(ξ),Y =
  Step 4.By the qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations [14] , if we canfind the integrals to Eq. (5) under the same conditions, then the general solutions to Eq. (5) can be solved directly. However, in general, it is really difficult for us to realize this even for onefirst integral, because for a given plane autonomous system, there is no systematic theory that can tell us how tofind itsfirst integrals, nor is there a logical way for telling us what thesefirst integrals are. We will apply the Division Theorem to obtain one first integral to Eq.(5) which reduces Eq.(2) to afirst order integrable ordinary differential equation. An exact solution to Eq. (1) is then obtained by solving this equation. Now, let us recall the Division Theorem: Division Theorem.Supposethat P(w,z) and Q(w,z) are polynomialsinC[w,z], and P(w,z) is irreducible in C[w,z]. If Q(w,z)vanishes at all zero points of P(w,z), then there exists a polynomial G(w,z) in C[w,z] such that
  Q(w,z) = P(w,z)G(w,z).
  Consider the generalized ZK-BBM equation [15]
  ut+ ux+ a(u3)x+ b(uxt+ uyy)x= 0,(6)
  where a,b are real constants.
  By make the transformation
  u(x,y,t) = f(ξ),ξ= k(x + ly?λt),(7)
  the generalized ZK-BBM equation becomes(1?λ)f′(ξ) + 3af2(ξ)f′(ξ) + bk2(l2?λ)f′′′(ξ) = 0.(8)
   2A1X2,(16) where A0is arbitraryintegrationconstant. Substituting a0(X),a1(X) and g(X)in the last equationin (15) and setting all the coefficients of powers X to be zero, then we obtain a system of nonlinear algebraic equations and by solving it, we obtain B0= 0,A0=?2a + A21bk2(l2?1)
   bk2(l2?λ))X4,(24) where d is arbitrary integrationconstant. Substituting a0(X),a1(X) and g(X), in the last equation in (22) and setting all the coefficients of powers X to be zero, then we obtain a system of nonlinear algebraic equations and by solving it with aid Maple, we obtain B0= 0,A0=?8a + A21bk2(l2?1)
  Consider the Drinefel’d-Sokolov-Wilsonsystem
  ut+ pvvx= 0,
  vt+ qvxxx+ ruvx+ suxv = 0,
  X2(ξ)?A0.(42) Combining (42) with (35), we obtain the exact solution to equation (34) and then the exact solution to Drinefel’d-Sokolov-Wilsonsystem can be written as
  Let us consider one-dimensional modified EW-Burgers equation [16]
  ut+ au2ux?δuxx?μuxxt= 0,(44)
  where a,δ,μare real constants.
  We use the wave transformation
  u(x,t) = f(ξ),ξ= x?ct.(45)
  Substituting (45) into (44), we obtain ordinary differential equation:?cf′(ξ) + af2(ξ)f′(ξ)?δf′′(ξ) +μcf′′′(ξ) = 0.(46) Integrating Eq. (46) with respect toξ, then we have
  ?cf(ξ) +a
  Case B:Suppose that m = 2, by equating with the coefficients of Yi(i = 3,2,1,0) of both sides of (12), we have
  ˙a2(X) = h(X)a2(X),(55)˙a1(X) = (?2δ
  In this paper, thefirst integral method is applied successfully for solving generalized ZK-BBM equation and Drinefel’d-Sokolov-Wilson system and one-dimensional modified EW-Burgers equation. The results show that this method is efficient infinding the exact solutions of nonlinear differential equations.
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主料:整鸡翅200 g。  调料:盐、红粉、孜然粉、橄榄油各适量。  制作:1.将鸡翅洗净,切花刀,放入碗中。  2.加入红粉。  3.加入橄榄油。  4.加入盐、孜然粉拌匀,腌渍入味。  5.装入烤盘,放入烤箱180℃烘烤15 min,盛盘装饰即可。  特色:烤鸡翅也是西式快餐中颇受欢迎的美食,制作简单,鸡翅肉质细嫩鲜香,红粉、孜然粉,为这道美食增添了更多味道。
什么是“碰瓷”,可能大部分的人会联想到古玩、零售行业,甚至新兴的“车祸碰瓷”,但是如今出现了新的“碰瓷”形式——“餐饮碰瓷”。简而言之就是顾客在用餐的过程中故意制造异物,从而从餐饮商家那里获得利益,那么餐饮行业遇到“碰瓷”应如何拆招呢?  从饭菜中吃出异物,相信不少消费者都遇到过,而要求商家打折、免单甚至赔偿精神损失,说起来也并不过分。但如果是居心叵测者故意制造的“异物”呢?2016年6月23日,
鱼皮馄饨是江苏苏州传统菜肴,此菜以捶敲鱼肉成馄饨皮,包虾肉馅成馄饨,其工艺独树一帜。馄饨洁白亮滑、晶莹剔透、柔嫩鲜美,深受当地食客和中外游客的青睐。此菜的制作工艺独特,主要分为选料→拆骨→捶敲→制馅→包馅烧煮五个过程,整个制作过程技术难度并不太高,但每一个工艺流程环节都不能轻视,否者会造成破裂、露馅和口咸,影响成品的质量和特色。  选料:适用捶敲鱼肉成薄片的鱼其必鱼肉细腻洁白、少刺多肉、脂肪含量低
牛肉,即牛的肌肉组织,系由多量肌纤维、少量脂肪和结缔组织构成的。由于牛的品种、饲料以及生长环境不同,所以其肉品的颜色和质量也有差异。在东北常食用普通黄牛肉,牛肉生时为粉红或棕红色,熟时色泽加深。相对说,公牛、成年牛、育肥牛肉质为上,否则肉质低下。现在许多商贩在市场随时都有宰杀,建议大家还是购买新鲜牛肉制作菜肴为好。据分析:在每百克牛肉中含蛋白质20.1 g、脂肪约10.2 g、无机盐1.1 g,含
Abstract  In the Present paper we study Ricci solitons in trans-sasakian manifolds. In particular we consider Ricci solitons in f-Kenmotsu manifolds and we provethe conditionsfor the Ricci solitons to
风眼酸菜    主料:酱好的猪五花肉250 g,东北酸菜。  调料:酱油、精盐、詹王鸡粉、劲霸汤皇、淀粉、高汤、绍酒、葱、姜、大料、油。  制法:1. 将酱好的五花肉切成薄片,将酸菜切好。  2. 用肉片把切好的酸菜卷起来,做成肉片卷,码摆在大碗里,放入葱、姜、大料、酱油、绍酒、詹王鸡粉、劲霸汤皇,蒸透后取出。倒出汤汁,将肉卷酸菜扣入盘中。  3. 将汤汁倒入勺中,调好口味,拢芡,将汁浇在肉卷酸菜