服务商 经销商 选购空调该找谁?

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如今的家用中央空调对于大部分家庭来说,已经不是一个陌生的名词,并且也有着越来越多拥护者。市场逐渐打开,行业也逐渐明朗化,消费者对于空调服务的要求也在增高。目前,在上海的空调供应商基本分为两大类,一类是产品经销商,还有一类则是系统服务商。那么我们在选购空调时,究竟应该找哪类供应商呢?先让我们了解一下他们之间区别有哪些吧。 Today’s home central air conditioning for most families, is not a strange term, and also has more and more advocates. The market gradually opened, the industry has gradually become clearer, consumers are also increasing demand for air conditioning services. Currently, the air conditioner suppliers in Shanghai are basically divided into two categories, one is the product distributor, and the other is the system service provider. So when we buy air conditioners, what kind of suppliers should be looking for it? Let us know what the difference between them.
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