美国东部时间9月23日晚11时17分,在纽约曼哈顿东河畔的寓所,“蒋宋王朝”的最后一位标志性人物,蒋介石的遗孀宋美龄于睡梦中辞世,享年106岁。 她出身于中国最有名的家族、曾是中国政治舞台上最耀眼的明星,也是中国现代史上最具争议的女人之一。她见证、参与和影响了中国历史上一段非常重要的历程。 那些和她同时代的风云人物们,那些曾经的朋友和敌人都已经先她而去,而宋美龄顽强而孤独地进入了21世纪。她的辞世,重新唤起了人们对那个时代的记忆
At 11:17 pm ET on September 23rd, at the residence on the East River in Manhattan on the New York City, the last iconic figure in the “Chiang Song Dynasty”, Song Meiling, the widow of Chiang Kai-shek, died in his sleep at the age of 106. She was born in China’s most famous family, once the most dazzling star on the Chinese political scene and one of the most controversial women in modern Chinese history. She witnessed, participated in and influenced a very important course in Chinese history. Those who belong to her generation, those who have friends and enemies have already gone before her, and Mei-Ling Soi stubborn and lonely into the 21st century. Her death has rekindled memories of that era