Part1 Choosing the Right Club

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  Erin: Ugh! ①Another night sitting at home with my nose in a book.
  Ryan: Yeah I know what you mean. Could there be anything more boring?
  Erin: ②Such is life...
  Ryan: That’s why I decided to join a club.
  Erin: Oh? What kind of club?
  Ryan: I’m not sure yet. There are so many clubs to choose from.
  Erin: ③It stands to reason that you should choose one related to your major.
  Ryan: Not necessarily. I’m actually looking for a bit of a departure from what I normally find myself doing.
  Erin: OK. ④So as an environmental protection major, what kind of club would give you the fix that you need?
  Ryan: I was thinking about spending some time at the college radio station.
  Erin: Well, that sure is different. What exactly do you hope to accomplish?
  Ryan: Who knows? But I have a feeling it would be a great experience,and it could also help me promote environmental protection on a larger scale.
  Erin: That is a great way of looking at it. I wanna join a club too!
  Ryan: I’m surprised how many people are content to just sit at home or go out drinking instead of joining a club, because clubs are not only fun but they can help you grow as a person as well. That is, if you pick the right one.
  Erin: How about the women’s 1)rugby club? ⑤I’ve been itching for a little more competition in my life, and I happen to be a pretty tough chick!
  Ryan: Wow! I know you’re not a girly girl like a lot of the others around here, which is one of the things I really like about you. ⑥But I had no idea you were into such dangerous, full-contact sports.
  Erin: I grew up with five brothers, so it shouldn’t be all that surprising that I turned out to be a 2)tomboy. ⑦While all the other girls were playing with Barbie dolls and My Little Ponies, I was outside having a catch with my dad.
  Ryan: Then rugby might be just the thing for a 3)budding athlete such as you!
  Erin: So how do I join?
  Ryan: Good question. I’ll check out the university website. They should have a link there indicating where we can apply for some of these clubs.
  Erin: And if you can’t find it there, you can always ask your academic advisor.
  Ryan: Or if you know anyone else who has already joined a club.
  Erin: ⑧Come to think of it, my friend Joe joined the 4)choral music club, and he loves it! I can call and ask him.   Ryan: Awesome! College clubs, here we come!

  Smart Sentences① Another night sitting at home with my nose in a book. 又一个坐在家里埋头看书的晚上。
  have one’s nose in a book: read books all the time(埋头读书)。例如:
  Bob’s nose is always in a book. He never gets any exercise.
  ② Such is life... 这就是生活……
  Such is life…: used to express feelings of dissatisfaction in an unpleasant situation(用以抱怨不满,或不快)。例如:
  Lectures, labs, cafeteria, and bed. That’s all our life is about. Such is life…
  ③ It stands to reason that you should choose one related to your major. 你当然要选择一个和你专业相关的协会。
  it stands to reason: it is logical or obvious(合情理,当然的,自不待言)。例如:
  With his indifferent attitude, it stands to reason that he will fail the test.
  ④ So as an environmental protection major, what kind of club would give you the fix that you need? 作为环境保护专业的学生,什么协会可以给你想要学的东西?
  the fix: the solution to a problem(问题的解决办法)。例如:
  These minor changes can’t possibly be the fix for our current problem.
  ⑤ I’ve been itching for a little more competition in my life, and I happen to be a pretty tough chick! 我总是渴望有一点竞争的人生,我恰巧是个很坚强的女孩。
  a tough chick: a strong-minded girl(意志坚强的、强壮的女孩子)。例如:
  You love embroidery, flower arrangement, Barbie dolls…I can’t believe you are such a tough chick and won a medal in Boxing.
  ⑥ But I had no idea you were into such dangerous, full-contact sports. 但是我不知道你喜欢如此危险、全身接触的运动。
  into sth.: very interested in sth.(对某事非常感兴趣)。例如:I’ve found a new hobby and I’m into photography now.
  ⑦ While all the other girls were playing with Barbie dolls and My Little Ponies, I was outside having a catch with my dad. 当其他女孩子在玩芭比娃娃和我的小马时,我和爸爸去室外打棒球。
  have a catch: throw a ball back and forth, usu. a baseball practice(把球来回扔,棒球练习)。例如:
  Every weekend, I would go home and have a catch with my brothers.
  ⑧ Come to think of it, my friend Joe joined the choral music club, and he loves it! 现在想起来,我的朋友乔加入了合唱协会,他很喜欢那里!
  come to think of it: suddenly realized sth. which is often obvious(想起来,的确)。例如:
  Come to think of it, Ningxia has many tourism resources.
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