Quantitative Evaluation of Fatigue Crack Size Using Eddy Current Pulsed Thermography

来源 :Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astron | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oa001
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A set of metallic specimens containing fatigue cracks with different sizes were tested using eddy current pulsed thermography(ECPT),therefore the relations between heating response of the crack area and the crack length was studied.The numerical and experimental results both showed that the increase of the crack length enhanced the crack heating response under specific test conditions.A particular form of calculated response signal,which is linearly related to the crack length,was introduced to provide a quantitative evaluation of crack length. A set of metallic specimens containing fatigue cracks with different sizes were tested using eddy current pulsed thermography (ECPT), therefore the relations between heating response of the crack area and the crack length were studied. Numerical and experimental results showing both the increase of the crack length enhanced the crack heating response under specific test conditions. A particular form of calculated response signal, which is linearly related to the crack length, was introduced to provide a quantitative evaluation of crack length.
作为现代西方著名的心理学家,罗姆·哈瑞(Rom Harre)从动态、流变的视角来研究社会心理现象以及行为的产生、变化,用批判的目光审视角色理论所秉持的传统的、静止的、固定的
学习型组织(learning organization,LO),以其内部极强的学习力和持续的更新能力保证了在竞争中的优势地位,成为21世纪管理的新方向,在国内外各界已经形成燎原之势。当前,组织学