An Exploration of the Need to Build an Evaluation Index System for Economic and Social Development i

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An evaluation index system for eco ̄nomic and social development is guiding the trends and actions of economic development in different countries or regions. However,the evaluation index system should be constantly adjusted to the changes of economic and social development in different countries or regions. Therefore, if seen throughout the world,the evaluation index system for economic and social development shifts the system from one which pursues only economic development to a comprehensive evaluation system which considers the comprehensive development of a society. China’s territory is vast. The economic develop ̄ment level in its different areas varies,and the so ̄cial development problems also differ. Hence, a single type of evaluation index system cannot fit all of the areas. The economic and social development in the western region of China is unique,therefore, it is necessary to design an evaluation index system which is fits the characteristics of the western eth ̄nic region on the basis of the national commonali ̄ty.
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