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目前,住院医师规范化培训工作中存在的主要问题是:1.对住院医师规范化培训工作的重要性、必要性、迫切性认识不足;2.住院医师规范化培训是在医院繁忙的医、教、研工作中不脱产进行,周期长,人员分散,涉及的专业多,如果管理不当容易使培训工作走过场,流于形式;3.沿用传统的教育方法不能适应培养现代化人才的需要;4.制度、政策不足或不配套,使住院医师培训制度缺乏动力.为此应从四个方面入手逐步完善住院医师规范化培训制度,搞好我国住院医师规范化培训工作.一是更新观念,加深认识,健全组织;二是针对特点,贴近实际,加强管理;三是吸收现代化教育思想,探索住院规范化培训的有效方法,提高住院医师培训质量; 四是政策配套,使住院医师规范化培训长兴不衰. At present, the main problems in the standardized training of resident physicians are: 1. The lack of understanding of the importance, necessity, and urgency of standardized training for resident physicians; 2. Standardized training for resident physicians is a busy medical, teaching, and research program in hospitals. The work is not carried out, the cycle is long, the staff is scattered, and there are many specialties involved. If it is improperly managed, it will make the training work easier and less formal. 3. The traditional education methods cannot adapt to the needs of training modern talents; 4. System and policy Insufficient or unmatched, the resident training system lacks motivation. To this end, we must gradually improve the standardized training system for resident physicians in four aspects and do a good job in the standardization training of resident physicians in China. First, update concepts, deepen understanding, and improve organization; For characteristics, close to reality, strengthen management; third is to absorb modern education ideas, explore the effective method of standardized training for hospitalization, and improve the quality of resident physician training; Fourth, policy support, so that the standardization of resident physician training is prosperous.
目的 :构建抗CD2 0 嵌合抗体Fab片段表达载体 ,并在大肠杆菌中进行高效可溶性分泌表达。方法 :利用PCR方法从抗CD2 0 单链抗体 (ScFv)表达载体上扩增抗CD2 0 抗体轻链可变区
吮︺月、r不、‘了了 ~,勺‘‘匕‘‘日白盛曲口~月亮睡了,太阳醒了,是您的铃声,把朝霞牵来一了。啊,校工伯伯,您为我们烧水送茶,您为我们栽花育草,将来,我们长成雄鹰,也有您的
了解 Hox A1 1基因在人月经周期子宫内膜的表达及变化 ,探索该基因对正常内膜周期的调节功能。应用地高辛标记的 RNA探针进行原位杂交。 Hox A1 1基因主要在内膜间质细胞中表
凤凰304A是一种测光、闪光一体型照相机,其测光电路及闪光电路是各自独立的两部分。均内藏于相机体内,电路原理如图1所示。一、工作原理 1.测光电路:VT1、VT2等组成变态施密