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(一)冲任虚寒,并兼寒湿唐某,女,34岁。1987年12月24日就诊。患者今年5月小产后,近6个月来,每次经期提前4天,行经前2日,小腹即开始胀满不舒,兼有下坠感,须4日经净始舒。遇天气严寒或感冒,小腹亦胀满,喜温喜按,经色红,无块,量与平时无差异。有白带,头晕,腰脊痛,四肢清冷,饮食尚可,大小便可,脉沉缓弱,舌淡红无苔。证属冲任虚寒,气虚挟湿。治宜温经祛寒,益气除湿。主以温经汤加减:吴萸6克当归西党蜜芪驴胶(蛤粉炒珠)仙灵脾各15克桂枝白芍法夏白术云苓杜仲生姜各10克甘草5克,日1剂,连服10剂。 (A) Chong Ren Deficiency, and cold damp Tang Mou, female, 34 years old. Visited on December 24, 1987. After a small amount of birth in May this year, in the past 6 months, each menstrual period is 4 days ahead of schedule, and 2 days before the menstruation, the lower abdomen begins to become full and uncomfortable. It also has a sense of falling. In case of cold weather or a cold, the lower abdomen is also full, and the thermostatic hi is pressed. The color is red and there is no block. There is no difference between the amount and the usual time. There is leucorrhea, dizziness, lumbar pain, cold limbs, the diet is acceptable, urine can be, the pulse is slow and weak, the tongue is red and no moss. The card is guilty of defiant cold, qi deficiency and dampness. Expelling temperature through the cold, Qi and dehumidification. The main source is Wenjing Decoction: Wujing 6g Angelica West Party Candied Donkey Glue (Fenfenchaozhu) Echinacea purpurea 15 grams each GuiZhou white peony Radix Atractylodes lanceolata turmeric Eucommia ulmoides ginger 10 grams licorice 5 grams, day 1 Agent, and even served 10 doses.
常用中药土鳖虫为鳖蠊科昆虫地鳖(Eupolyphaga sinensis)及冀地鳖(steleophaga plancyi)的雌虫干燥体。目前药用土鳖虫多为人工养殖品及少量的野生品。由于家养土鳖虫具有定
1.主动性:积极主动探索未知领域,愿意施展自己的才华。 1. Initiative: Proactive exploration of unknown areas, are willing to display their talent.
密蒙花为马钱科醉鱼草属植物蒙花树Buddleja officinalis Maxim的花蕾及花序。具有清热养肝,明目退翳之功效。近年来发现有些地区将瑞香科植物结番Edgeuorthia c-hrysartha