
来源 :国外油田工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangruiqiangkang
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对CO2与加拿大重油及其馏分的混合物进行了广泛的相态特性的测定,将重油中沥青质沉淀后再蒸馏成三个馏分。在21℃和140℃及不同压力下(最高压力为12.41MPa)测定相态特性数据,其中包括混合物的溶解度、膨胀因子、密度、油气比和粘度等。在测定时得到的油样用气相色谱模拟蒸馏方法加以分析。CO2的溶解度随着压力升高而增大,随着温度上升而下降。他和混合物的密度在21℃时随压力升高而增大;但在140℃时随压力升高而下降。密度随压力改变的程度比由于温度改变而引起的改变小、也观查到了由于溶解了CO2使油类产生了较大的膨胀作用。CO2最重要的作用是使油的粘度响有很大的降低。在21℃时粘度降低程度比在140℃时大并且油类粘度愈大降低的愈明显、油样的模拟蒸馏分析表明轻质油已被提取到CO2相中了,但在CO2相中未检测到重质末尾馏分的沉积物。用膨-罗宾逊状态方程把重油及其馏分与CO2的相态特性数据关联起来。并里还用CO2与油馏分有相同分子量的正烷烃的二元三元混合物解释了相特性数据,用转换为体积的膨-罗宾逊状态方程关联了混合物的密度,并且用Ledere提出的方程关联了粘度。 The mixture of CO2 and Canadian heavy oil and its fractions was subjected to a wide range of phase characterization. The asphaltenes in the heavy oil were precipitated and then distilled into three fractions. The phase behavior data were measured at 21 ° C and 140 ° C under different pressures (maximum pressure of 12.41 MPa), including the solubility, swelling factor, density, oil-gas ratio and viscosity of the mixture. The oil samples obtained during the assay were analyzed by gas chromatography simulated distillation. The solubility of CO2 increases with increasing pressure and decreases with increasing temperature. The density of He and the mixture increased with increasing pressure at 21 ℃, but decreased with increasing pressure at 140 ℃. The degree of density change with pressure is smaller than the change due to temperature change. It is also observed that the oil has a larger expansion due to dissolved CO2. The most important effect of CO2 is to greatly reduce the viscosity of oil. The more pronounced the decrease in viscosity at 21 ° C than at 140 ° C and the greater the viscosity decrease, the simulated distillate analysis of the oil sample showed that the light oil had been extracted into the CO2 phase but undetected in the CO2 phase Sediment to heavy end fractions. Correlating the heavy oil and its fractions with the CO2 phase behavior data using the swelling-Robinson equation of state. Also, the binary ternary mixture of n-alkanes with the same molecular weight of CO2 as the oil fraction was used to explain the phase characterization data, the bulk density of the mixture was correlated using the bulky-Robinson equation of state converted to volume, and the equation associated with Ledere Viscosity.
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