
来源 :中国保险 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yiwen_yu
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今年10月20日是中国人民.保险公司成立45周年的日子.在这段漫长的岁月里,人保国内业务经历了创建、停办又恢复发展的起伏过程.人保事业能有今天这样兴旺发达,年保费收入达到500个亿,并拥有4000多个机构、11.5万职工、数十万处代理网点,应该说是经过人保系统职工在党的正确路线、方针、政策指引下艰苦奋斗的结果,它来之不易.今天,在纪念人保成立45周年之际,我们有必要回顾一下人保所走过的曲折道路,记取历史经验教训,以便继往开来,使人保继续向前发展,为我国国民经济发展作出更大贡献. October 20 this year is the Chinese people. The 45th anniversary of the founding of insurance companies in this long period of time, PICC’s domestic business has experienced the process of creating, stopping and resuming the ups and downs of development. With a premium income of 500 billion yuan, more than 4,000 agencies, 115,000 workers and hundreds of thousands of agency outlets, it should be said that as a result of the arduous struggle under the party’s correct line, principles and policies, the workers and staff of PICC Today, on the occasion of the commemoration of the 45th anniversary of the establishment of PICC, it is necessary for us to review the tortuous path PICC has followed and learn historical lessons so as to enable the PICC to continue to move forward and make greater progress for our national economy contribution.
本文讨论了对 PDP上下基板所用介质层的要求及其浆料选择的原则 ,研究了丝网印刷、干燥和烧结等工艺对介质层厚度、表面状态、透过率、绝缘性能等的影响 ,介绍了减小和消除介
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