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一切在意抖之中,一切又在意料之外。10月24日,中国移动多媒体广播(CMMB)行业推荐标准闪电出台,抓紧了广电、通信和终端产业各界人士的眼球。在这个被坊间俗称为“手持电视”、“手机电视”的领域中,任何一点风吹草动,都会引发连锁的发酵效应,因为移动通信持续十年的火爆发展证明,无线市场的商业空间要远远大于固网有线。从2004年开始,“电视”就开始被越来越频繁地与“手机”联系在一起,并被认为是继通话、短信、摄像和音乐之后的终板杀手应用。一时间,叫好、猜测、怀疑、分析……在各类媒体、网站上蜂拥而至。但是,CMMB究竞是什么?究竟意味着什么?为何移动多媒体广播标准能够闪电出台?本刊记者特别在第一时间独家专访了国家广电总局、CMMB标准工作组,力求以最客观的视角和专业的表述,为读者还原中国移动多媒体广播标准的方方面面。本期封面报道,我们特别采写、组织了三篇文章,分为产业篇、技术篇和用户数据篇,以飨读者。 Everything in mind trembled, everything is unexpected. October 24, China Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting (CMMB) industry recommended standard lightning introduced, pay close attention to radio and television, communications and terminal industries from all walks of life’s attention. In this area is commonly known as “handheld TV”, “mobile TV” in the field, any sign of trouble, will trigger the chain of fermentation effect, because the mobile communications continued the hot development of 10 years proved that the commercial wireless market is much larger than the commercial space Fixed wired. Beginning in 2004, “TV” began to be associated more and more frequently with “cell phones,” and was considered the end-killer application following calls, texting, video and music. A time, applause, speculation, suspicion, analysis ... ... in all kinds of media, flocking to the site. However, CMMB research competition is what? What exactly does that mean? Why mobile multimedia broadcasting standards to lightning? Our correspondents especially the first time an exclusive interview with SARFT, CMMB standard working group, and strive to the most objective perspective and professional For the reader to restore all aspects of China Mobile multimedia broadcasting standards. Cover of this issue covers, we specially wrote and organized three articles, divided into industry articles, technical articles and user data articles to readers.
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