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应国际岩石力学协会和巴西岩石力学协会的邀请,中国大坝委员会派出代表团参加了在巴西里约热内卢举行的有关坝基岩石力学国际讨论会。会议于1978年9月26日至29日召开,共有23个国家的471名代表参加。会议讨论了教学与科研组织、坝基岩体特性和分类、坝基分析和设计方法、开挖爆破对结构和岩石的影响以及坝基和边坡处理等五个方面的问题。通过这次会议看出,随着岩石力学的发展和大坝工程建设的进展,坝基岩石力学正在逐渐形成一门比较独立而有一定特色的分支技术学科。由于会议时间短,讨论的问题未得出一致的结论,主要是交流了学术观点,指出了今后的研究方向。本文系我代表团回国后的汇报材料,现发表供有关部门和同志研究参考。发表时本刊略有删节。 At the invitation of the International Association of Rock Mechanics and the Brazilian Association of Rock Mechanics, the China Dams Committee dispatched a delegation to attend the International Symposium on Rock Mechanics of Dam Foundation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The meeting was held from September 26 to 29, 1978, with a total of 471 delegates from 23 countries. The meeting discussed five issues of teaching and research organizations, the characteristics and classification of dam foundation rock mass, dam foundation analysis and design methods, the influence of excavation blasting on structures and rocks, and dam foundation and slope treatment. Through this meeting, we can see that with the development of rock mechanics and the progress of dam construction, the rock mechanics of dam foundation is gradually forming a branch technology discipline that is relatively independent and has certain characteristics. Due to the short meeting time, the issues discussed did not reach the same conclusions, mainly the exchange of academic point of view, pointed out the direction of future research. This article is my report after the return of the delegation material, is now published for the relevant departments and comrades for reference. At the time of publication, there were some abridgement
美国 Ohio 州立大学的研究人员开发了比一般板料成形方法速度快5倍的成形汽车铝制零件的拉深技术。这种成形技术虽然在50~60年代就已提出,但没有为人们所重视,所以一直没有加
转子总成是这种推进器唯一的活动部件 ,该活动部件使ROV的推进系统非常可靠。标准的Quest潜水器使用 7个推进器 ,与典型的液压系统的 10 0个活动部件相比 ,整个潜水器的推进
Based on the principle of tuned mass damper (TMD). the method of using laminated rubber bearing (LRB) to connect TMD with structure is discussed in this paper.
合金粉末火焰喷涂是机械零件修复中的一项新工艺,已得到较广泛地应用。但对发动机的曲轴采用该项工艺修复提高修复质量,仍然是值得探讨的问题。 本文介绍了采用合金粉末火焰