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关于章学誠在史学和方志学著述中涉及到档案和档案工作的論述,《档案工作》已經发表了几篇文章进行了发掘和探討,取得了一些好的研究成果,对今天工作的参考是有益的。但是我也感到有的同志对历史人物的評价,在态度上不够实事求是,牵强附会,在方法上沒有严格地貫彻阶級观点和历史主义的分析方法,結果就不适当地歌頌封建統治阶級的学者并过份夸大章学誠的档案学思想。这样的研究,既不符合历史实际,也不利于我們今天批判地继承历史遺产和創造新的工作經验。因此,为了便于澄清对历史实际情丑的认識,就以前发表的几篇詩文中涉及到的問題,提出几点意見,和同志們商討。不正确的地方,请給予批評指正。 (一) 是否能够拋开阶极立場,只依据档案业务思想,来歌颂章学诚? About Zhang Xuecheng’s discussion of archival and archival work in the works of historiography and chorography, several articles have been published and explored by Archives Work, and some good research results have been obtained, which is helpful for the reference of today’s work . However, I also feel that some comrades have not praised the feudal ruling class for their evaluation of historical figures because they are not pragmatic and far-fetched in attitude. They do not strictly carry out the methods and methods of class analysis and historical analysis. As a result, Scholar and over-exaggerated Zhang Xuecheng’s archive theory. Such a study neither conforms to historical facts nor is it conducive to today’s critical inheritance of historical heritage and the creation of new work experience. Therefore, in order to clarify the understanding of the actual situation of history, I would like to comment on the issues involved in several previously published poems and discuss with my comrades. Inaccurate places, please give criticism and correction. (A) whether it can cast aside the class position, only based on the file business thinking, to sing Zhang Xuecheng?
目的 以中国慢性丙型肝炎(chronic hepatitis C, CHC)患者为研究人群,分析直接抗病毒药物(direct-acting antiviral agents, DAAs)纳入国家医保药品目录后对于医保基金支出的
目的 观察阿托伐他汀和阿托伐他汀联合苯溴马隆对高尿酸血症合并颈动脉粥样斑块患者的影响.方法 将160例入选患者随机分成阿托伐他汀组(阿托伐他汀20 mg)和联合治疗组(阿托伐
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