Unit 4 Then and now 教学设计

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  1. 学生能够听、说、读、写,并在情景中恰当运用词汇和句型:dining hall, gym, grass,…years ago,…months ago, last year, last month, star, easy, look up, Internet,There was/were…
  重点:...years ago, ...months ago, last year, last month过去时间状语的运用。
  难点:句型There was/were…的具体运用。
  I. warm-up
  1.Go over the phrases of Unit 3:
  T:Where did you go last summer vacation? What did you do?
  2.Let’s try
  (1) Show the picture of main scene.
  T: Today Wu Yifan's father and grandfather are invited to visit the school. They are guests(客人). Let’s welcome.
  T: Did the school change a little or a lot? Let’s listen and tick.
  (2) Check the answers. 
  (3) Try to read the text and find out the answer.
  T: Grandpa couldn’t use the computers. Why?
  II. Presentation
  1.    Let’s talk
  (1)   Watch and answer
  T: Because there were no computers before. Was there a library in the old school?
  (2)   watch again and answer
  What was grandpa’s school like?
  There was no library.
  There was only one small building on a hill.
  Could you see stars at night? Yes, I like stars.
  There were no computers or Internet.
  (3)   Think and answer
  What is the school like now? (出示learn图片,学习新的词汇dining hall,
  gym, grass)
  Look! There is...
   There are computers and Internet. We can know a lot from the Internet. Wu Yifan says"I looked it up on the Internet."
   And scientists are trying to explore the space, the moon and so on. Sarah also wants to go to the moon. She says"One day I'm going to visit the moon."
  (4)   Say something about the moon.
  The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969.
  III. Practice
  1. Listen and imitate
  Pay attention to pronunciation and intonation.
  2.    Role-play选择角色朗读吧!
  3.    Retell the talk   There     _____ _____in my old school.
  4.    Know more(通過对比爸爸、Yifan学校的变化,练习、巩固句型,并学习ago,last)
  Father’s school
  Yifan’s school
  no dining hall
  a new dining hall
  no gym
  a new gym
  no grass
  IV. Consolidation and extension
  1. Be a reporter
  Let’s introduce your school. There was/were no … five years ago. Now there is /are ...
  2. Write the changes of your school
  There are some great changes such as new dining hall, gym and so on.
  There are also some small changes.
  For example, there was lots of paper and notebooks in the garbage can(垃圾桶) last year. But now, here is no paper or notebooks in the garbage can. Because we collect and sell it. My school is more beautiful.
  V. Summary
  T: What have we learned this class?
  VI. Homework
  Listen and imitate the dialogue and words .
  Try to draw and write the changes of your home.
  Blackboard design
  Unit 4 Then and now
  gym    grass   dining hall
  …years ago      last year
  …months ago    last month    There was no gym in my school twenty years ago.
   There were no computers or Internet in my time.
【Teaching aims】:  Knowledge and ability aims  1.The students will be able to learn the words and expressions:  cook,doctor,engineer,violinist,driver, pilot, pianist,scientist;be going to,grow up,compu
一、教学设计  1.初步理解设计的概念,设计与生活的密切关系,熟知设计形态、功能等相关基本知识,并利用所学掌握设计的技能。  2.在欣赏、分析、讨论中熟知相关设计基础知识,了解设计的形态、功能和原则。  3.体验美术活动乐趣的过程中,提高对设计艺术的关注度,感受设计为生活服务的精神,培养创新意识,进而提高对世界多元化的认知和理解。  二、教学重难点  重点:  熟知设计形态、功能等相关基本知识,并
一、导入   孩子们,从小到大,你做过许多选择题。可是你们知道吗?有一件事情是你无法做选择的,那就是选择你的父母是谁?所以,你们是经历了三生三世十里桃花,最终相遇于今生。这是命中注定的缘分。请同学们珍惜这旷世奇缘吧!。孩子们,我们更应该关注我们的父母,因为他是他们才是我们的盖世英雄。每一次相遇,都是一场奇妙的旅行。下面我们就一起开启一场心灵之旅吧!  二、初读感知  1.同学们,课下,我们根据自主
教學准备  1.教学目标  Can listen ,speak ,read and write the words :forest, hill , river ,mountain ,lake.and use these words in :Is there a …..in the park ? Yes ,there is . No, there isn’t .  Can listen ,speak
教学目标:  知识与技能:  1.理解有理数乘方的定义。  2.掌握有理数乘方的运算。  过程与方法:  1.经历探索有理数乘方的运算,获得解决问题的经验。  2.通过本节学习,渗透数学精神  情感态度与价值观:  1.培养学生勤思、认真和勇于探索的精神。  2.让学生充分体会乘方精神,践行乘方精神。  教材分析:  教学重点:  有理数的乘方运算。  教学难点:  有理数乘方运算的符号法则。  
活动理念:  新九年义务教育全日制小学《语文教学大纲》中曾明确规定:课外阅读总量,要求五年制不少于100 万字,六年制不少于150万字。读书对于小学生来说至关重要。那么,走进书店,面对琳琅满目的图书,怎么能快速的找到自己的心仪的图书?本节课通过一些方法帮助我们快速的选择心仪的图书。  活动目标:  1.通过交际实践,使学生懂得什么是好书,并掌握选择书的方法。  2.进一步认识读书的价值和意义,激發
Learning objectives  1.Review the basic usages of the Attributive Clause.  2.Master the rules of the Attributive Clause  3.Improve the abilities of using the Attributive Clause  Learning procedure:  S
教材分析:   本节课是人教版八年级上册第十三章《轴对称》的第三课时内容:要求学生知道线段垂直平分线的作法并能画出轴对称图形的对称轴。在此之前,学生已经学习了轴对称图形的性质,这为过渡到本节的学习起着铺垫作用。本节内容在今后的几何作图中占有重要的地位。  教学目标:   (一)知識技能掌握线段垂直平分线的画法;熟练画出轴对称图形的对称轴。  (二)数学思考 在探究作轴对称图形对称轴的过程中,发展学
教学内容:  认识升和毫升。  教学目标:  1.知识与技能:在实际操作活动中,经历了解容量概念和认识测量工具,以及认识"升"和"毫升"的过程。  2.过程与方法:了解容量的含义,认识"升"和"毫升",知道"升"和"毫升"怎样用字母表示;会读量杯和量筒中液体的多少。  3.情感态度与价值观:积极参与"玩水"活动,获得愉快的学习体验和数学活动经验。  教学重、难点:  教学重点:了解容量的含义,认识
教学目标认识本课6个生字,会正确书写13个生字。正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。体会并描述“我”和弟弟在草地上吹蒲公英玩乐的情形,能用自己的话解释草地变色的原因。培养学生善于观察事物,养成认真观察的习惯,并热爱大自然的情感。教学重点、难点   重点:有感情地朗读课文理解课文内容,增强学生对大自然的体验意识并用心观察的习惯。   难过:激发学生善于留心观察身边事物变化的兴趣,培养大自然息息相通相容相合