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湖北气门厂,位于大别山南麓龟山脚下的麻城,依偎在兴建中的交通大动脉——京九铁路。湖北气门厂,以她铿锵的足音走过了40个春秋。40年来,这个厂由原来的一座破庙作厂房、三盘红炉作设备、18个工人组成的手工作坊,发展成为目前拥有3000万元固定资产、1500名职工、年产值过亿元、实现利税超千万元的现代化中型企业,产品质量和经济效益连续9年居全国同行业之首,跻身全国最大500家交通设备制造业第123位、国家二级企业。这个厂曾连续三次分别被省委、省府授予“先进党委”、“文明单位”光荣称号……靠经营战略驾驭市场党的十一届三中全会,擂响了改革开放的战鼓。就在这历史性转变时刻,湖北气门厂,生产的“三环牌”气门因质量问题被用户戏称为“副品厂”。残酷的 Hubei Valve Plant, located in Macheng at the foot of Guishan Mountain in the southern part of the Dabie Mountains, is nesting in the Beijing-Kowloon Railway, the main artery of transportation. Hubei Valve Factory walked 40 spring seasons with her footsteps. In the past 40 years, this plant has been used as a factory workshop, a three-plate red stove as a device, and a handwork workshop consisting of 18 workers. It has developed into a 30 million yuan fixed asset, 1,500 employees, and an annual production value of over 100 million yuan. With a profit and tax exceeding 10 million yuan, the modern and medium-sized enterprises have the highest product quality and economic efficiency ranking the first in the same industry in China for nine consecutive years. They rank among the top 123 companies in the transportation equipment manufacturing industry in China and the second-tier enterprises in the country. This factory was awarded “Advanced Party Committee” and “Civilized Unit” by the provincial party committee and the provincial government three times in a row. The third plenary session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was dominated by the business strategy. War drums. At this historical moment of change, the Hubei valve factory and the production of the “Sanhuan brand” valve were dubbed “substandard factory” by users for quality problems. Cruel
China has seen a rapid development in the textile industry since reform and opening up, and now has become the first country in textile production and the seco
最早的军旗公元前1122年,商王朝首先使用战旗。最早的军乐 14世纪,欧洲的奥斯曼帝国在军队里建立了乐队。最早的军歌春秋战国时期齐国丞相管仲所作的《上山歌》和《下山歌》