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  The Lily in the Heart
  In a remote valley,a cliff towers up to thousands of feet in height. A tiny lily appears on the bluff in an unknown time. The lily looks the same as the weed when it was born. However,it knows deeply that it is not a weed.
  In its heart,there is a pure thought:“I am a lily,not a weed. The only way to prove I am a lily is to open beautiful flowers.”
  At the very thought of this,the lily makes great efforts to absorb nutrients and sunlight. While striking its root deep into the soil,the young plant pushes its new shoot aboveground. Finally,in a spring morning,it gives birth to its first bud.
  The lily is very happy,but the nearby weeds show a disdain for this and make fun of it privately:“This guy is obviously a grass,but he insists in saying that he is a flower. In my opinion,it is not a bud but a tumor on the top of his head.”
  In public,they laugh at him by saying:“Don’t daydream any more. Even though you could really come into blossom in such a wild place,your value would be the same as ours!” Occasionally,some bees,butterflies or birds fly by and they also persuade the lily not to work so hard to bloom. “In spite of your most beautiful flowers in the world,nobody would come to this cliff to appreciate you! The lily answered:“I will bloom,because I know I can have beautiful flowers;I will bloom,because I want to accomplish the solemn mission of a flower;I will bloom,because I want to prove my existence with flowers. Now matter how you look at me,I will bloom!”   Despite the disdain of the weeds,the wild lily tries its best to unleash its inner power. One day,it finally succeeds opening a flower,of which the spiritual white and elegant glamour made the most beautiful scenery on the cliff. Henceforth,weeds,bees and butterflies no longer dare to deride it.
  More and more lilies are in full blossom. Every day,there are crystal water drops in the flowers which the weeds thought to be the dews of last night,while only the lily itself knows that they are tears from deep love.
  Every spring,the wild lily tries hard to bloom and set seed. Along with the wind,its seeds fall in valleys,prairies and cliffs. Therefore,everywhere is white lilies.
  Several decades later,people from city or countryside afar go a long way to appreciate the blossom of the lilies. Many children stand on their knees to sniff the fragrance of the lilies. And numerous lovers embrace and make a promise of “eternal love”. Besides,countless people are moved to tears for they have never seen such beauty and the lilies touch the inner corner of purity and blandness. Hence,gradually people begin to call this place “The Valley of Lilies”.
  Whatever others’ appreciation could be,the lilies strewn across the mountain all keep in mind of the first lily’s words:“We should come into bloom silently with all our hearts and prove our existence with flowers.”
  I hope each of us can have a lily in the heart!
【摘 要】从学校教育来看,就是要重视培养学生的生活化理念。作为传输人文精神的语文教学,因充满着生命的元素和极富理性的思考,在落实生命教育中起着十分重要的作用。全面发展。关注生命、善待生命,成为促进学生全面发展的重要内容。本文主要分析生活化理念下小学语文教学方法的探索。  【关键词】语文教学 小学生 生活化理念  《义务教育语文课程标准》突出强调语文教学要有“丰富的人文内涵”,而“丰富的人文内涵”也
【摘要】做老师的就应想方设法让学生智慧的火花熊熊燃烧,而不能让学生智慧的火花熄灭。培优不能认为单纯是竞赛辅导或优生辅导的事,与我们日常教学无关,其实课堂教学才是优生培养的主阵地。  【关键词】初中数学;培优;方法;学生发展  一、培养学生学习兴趣  俗话说,兴趣是最好的老师。有兴趣学习起来就不知疲倦,兴趣是学习活动中重要的动力,是学习获得良好效果的重要条件。兴趣不是天生的,需要我们老师去培养。因此
传统的美术教育是以灌输为主、以临摹和写生为主要绘画手段。以鼓励幼儿自由创造、并适当地进行艺术技巧训练,则是现代的美术教育所提倡的。  在美术活动中单从创新教育看,它所培养的创新精神 可以深深地铭刻在他们的头脑中,在以后的生活、学习和工作中将长期地发挥作用。可是在实践中我们也看到,有 些幼儿在作画前的谈话中,滔滔不绝,能用语言大胆勾画 一幅想象奇特的画面;而落笔作画时,却由于技巧的缺乏而难以表达想象
【摘要】众所周知,日本是世界上对洗浴文化情有独钟的国家,日本也是鲜有的男女混浴的国家。洗浴在日本的历史发展中有着重要的地位,而且在经历了多年的发展之后形成了具有日本特色的洗浴文化,也逐渐成为日本文化体系中最具代表性的内容。本文主要针对日本洗浴文化进行简单的探讨。  【关键词】洗浴文化 日本 洗浴历史  日本的洗浴文化源远流长,经历了上代、中世、近世、明治几个发展时期,逐渐形成了带有日本民族特色的洗
描述了一种基于可重构流水线阵列的系统—(RPAS-Reconfigurable Pipelined Array System),该阵列系统适用于大计算量的数字信号处理领域,比如视频编解码,通过AHB接口与ARM核进