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对于普通百姓来说,稀土元素钕(nu,一种金属元素,符号Nd)是个生疏的名称。直到一种新型永磁材料——钕铁硼的出现,并在世界范围内刮起所谓“钕铁硼风暴”后,才声名大振。钕铁硼永磁材料的研制成功所以能引起巨大轰动,在于它具有无比广阔的应用前景。钕铁硼原材料易得、价格低廉、性能优良、具有创记录的磁能积(磁能积是衡量永磁材料性能的基本量——作者注)。多年来,世界上很多科学家埋头于铁基稀土永磁材料的研究,他们在国际会议上发表的各种研究论文约有1000多篇,但一直难以取得实际进展,且希望渺茫。功夫不负有心人。长期科学研究成果的积累终于使稀土永磁材料研究有了突破。1983年日本住友特殊全属公司和美国通用汽车公司都报道了各自独立研制出钕铁硼永磁体的情况及其性能。这一消息在沉闷茫然的永磁材料界炸响了一枚炸弹!钕铁硼永磁材料的应用对磁学的发展和永磁材料的经济开发都有着划时代的重大意义。 For ordinary people, the rare earth element 钕 (nu, a metal element, symbol Nd) is a strange name. Until the emergence of a new type of permanent magnet material, NdFeB, and blowing up the so-called “NdFeB storm” in the world, it became famous. The successful development of neodymium-iron-boron permanent magnet material can cause a huge sensation because it has an extremely broad application prospect. Neodymium iron boron raw materials are readily available, low cost, excellent performance, with a record of the magnetic energy product (magnetic energy product is a measure of the basic amount of permanent magnetic material performance - author note). Over the years, many scientists in the world have been immersed in the research of iron-based rare earth permanent magnetic materials. They have published more than 1,000 research papers at international conferences, but it has been difficult to achieve actual progress and hopes to be embarrassing. Hard work pays off. The accumulation of long-term scientific research results has finally led to a breakthrough in the research of rare earth permanent magnetic materials. In 1983, both Japan’s Sumitomo Special Company and General Motors Co., Ltd. reported that they independently developed NdFeB permanent magnets and their performance. This news blew up a bomb in the dreary permanent magnetic materials sector! The application of NdFeB permanent magnet materials has significant epoch-making significance for the development of magnetics and the economic development of permanent magnetic materials.
长期规划既像预言又像谎言。对务实的企业而言,努力的方程式应当是“孕育观念时乐观,做计划时悲观,执行时乐观”。 Long-term planning is like a prediction and a lie. Fo
本文首次提出了建立比较工程技术学(简称:比较工程学)新学科,介绍了该学科的构想,包括学科的任务、内容、方法及前景展望。 This paper proposes for the first time a new disci