学籍管理是学校管理的重要内容,跟教学秩序的好坏和教学质量的高低有着密切的关系。 目前学校学籍管理混乱的现象比较普遍,尽管各级教育行政部门对中小学学籍管理作出了明确规定,但有些学校并没有严格执行,不按规定办事,乱收乱转学生,班级和学生人数忽多忽少或你多我少的现象继续存在。
The management of student status is an important part of school management. It has a close relationship with the quality of teaching and the quality of teaching. At present, the chaotic management of school records is relatively common. Although education administrative departments at all levels have made explicit regulations on the management of school records in primary and secondary schools, some schools have not strictly implemented them, they have failed to handle affairs according to regulations, and they have been randomly transferred to students, and the number of classes and students has declined. The phenomenon of more or less frequent or less you and I continue to exist.