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抗战时期,晋冀鲁豫边区开展的减租减息运动,对根据地农民进行了经济上的动员,提高了农民的经济地位,进而改变了农村阶级状况。同时,通过开展减租减息运动,极大地动摇了农民传统的封建思想观念,形成了经济、政治上的动员和社会变革的整体互动,促进了农民的新民主主义思想观念的产生和增强,主要表现在阶级意识、团结和组织意识、斗争意识、政权观念和参政意识、民族国家观念、政策法令意识等六个方面。减租减息运动中农民思想观念的变迁,为抗日战争和解放战争的胜利打下了坚实的思想基础。 During the war of resistance against Japan, the movement of rent reduction and interest reduction carried out in the margins of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan region carried out economic mobilization of the peasants in the base areas, increased the economic status of the peasants, and changed the conditions of the rural classes. At the same time, the movement of rent reduction and interest reduction has greatly shaken peasants ’traditional feudal ideas and formed an overall interaction of economic and political mobilization and social reform, promoted the emergence and enhancement of peasants’ new-democratic ideas and concepts, Mainly manifested in the six aspects of class consciousness, unity and organization awareness, struggle awareness, the concept of political power and political awareness, the concept of nation-state, the awareness of the policy and decree. The change of peasant ideology in the course of rent reduction and interest reduction has laid a solid ideological foundation for the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the Liberation War.
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随着我国城市化建设进程的不断推进,市政道桥工程数量发生了显著增加。混凝土是该工程施工中的主要材料,因此,混凝土 技术的应用效果直接影响工程施工质量。为了保证市政道桥
目的了解特发性血小板减少性紫癜(ITP)患者幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染阳性率及伴有 Hp 感染的难治 ITP 患者抗Hp 治疗的疗效观察。方法 ITP 患者48例,正常对照组52例,采用~(13)C-尿