齐齐哈尔和平机器厂,50多年来曾为我国国防现代化建设做出过重大贡献。但进入20世纪90年代之后,由于军品订货锐减,支柱民品没有形成,该厂一下子从经济效益的巅峰跌入了低谷。 2001年3月,中国兵器工业集团公司决定将和平厂列入第一批分立破产的试点企业。同年5月,工厂正式上报了《军品分立改制实施方案》和《和平厂破产预案》,并报国防科工委。9月.国防科工
For more than 50 years Qiqihar Peace Machinery Factory has made a significant contribution to the modernization of our national defense. However, after the 1990s, due to the sharp drop in military orders and the absence of pillar civilian products, the factory suddenly plummeted from the peak of economic efficiency to its lowest level. March 2001, China North Industries Group Corporation decided to peace plant included in the first batch of separate bankruptcy pilot enterprises. In May the same year, the factory formally reported the Plan for the Implementation of Disarmament and Reconstruction of Military Products and the Plan for the Bankruptcy of Peace Factory, and submitted the report to the Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense. September. National Defense Science and Industry