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进入21世纪,中国话剧原创的迫切性已经成为从国家层面到各地剧院的共识。中国话剧原创的理论命题,指出原创不是一般意义上的创新,而是基于特定历史和时代的深刻认识,在叙事形态、形式语言和人文内涵三个维度,构成对原有的戏剧观念和戏剧传统的变革性的超越。在此基础上,原创匮乏的根本原因在于当代中国话剧舞台还缺乏真正可以显示现代戏剧精神、具备世界影响力的当代经典,也缺乏可以真正引领戏剧观念和戏剧潮流的大戏剧家。继而,戏剧理论对于原创思想的重要性,原创话剧所要承载和担当的文化使命、美学内涵和人文精神,如何培植有利于原创的机制,以及原创需要呼唤大戏剧家等方面,应力求对中国话剧原创的问题做进一步的思考,以期推动戏剧学界对于原创话剧的精神追求。 Into the 21st century, the urgency of the original Chinese drama has become a consensus from the national level to theaters around. It points out that original creation is not innovation in the general sense but based on the profound understanding of a particular history and the times. In the three dimensions of narrative form, formal language and humanistic connotation, the original drama concept and drama tradition are formed Transformational transcendence. On this basis, the fundamental reason for the lack of original creation is that the contemporary Chinese drama stage lacks the contemporary classics that can truly show the spirit of modern drama and possesses world influence. There is also no major dramatist who can truly lead the concept of drama and the trend of the drama. Then, the importance of drama theory to original ideas, the cultural mission to be carried and played by original plays, aesthetic connotation and humanistic spirit, how to cultivate the mechanism beneficial to originality and the original need to call for big dramatists should try their best to improve the Chinese drama Original questions to do further thinking, with a view to promoting the academic circles for the original pursuit of the spirit of drama.
In this paper, we propose a method that builds power model template according to input transitions of combinatorial logic circuit. By computing its correlation
来源:http://www.scedu.net/p/8/?St Id=st_app_news_i_x636229204130738977日期:2017-02-20日前,四川信息职业技术学院寒假干部读书班正式开班。中层及以上领导干部参加了该
一、引言 对于混凝土重力坝,强烈的地震地面运动会在坝体内产生超过混凝土抗拉强度的应力,从而导致混凝土裂缝的形成和扩展,削弱某些部分坝体。这将影响混凝土坝的动力性能,
自从李克强总理提出要培育“精益求精的工匠精神”以来,“工匠精神”就引起社会各界和广大企业的关注与热议。本文针对电子商务专业的岗位需求,提出了工匠精神的培育应该贯穿于育人的全过程,通过校企合作、加强校园文化建设等措施提升学生对“工匠精神”的认知和践行。  一、前言  李克强总理在2016年的《政府工作报告》中提到了“工匠精神”,既是表明了国家层面上培育与弘扬“工匠精神”的价值诉求,又是号召全社会都要
Air-core photonic bandgap fiber(PBF)is the perfect choice of the next-generation fiber optical gyroscope(FOG),with excellent temperature,electromagnetism and ra
会计专业职业教育面临着诸多困境,职业院校毕业生的知识结构、操作技能与社会要求存在相当的差距,主要体现在所学与所用脱节严重、就业率欠佳。要使会计职业教育卓有成效的一个重要途径就是树立开放的理念、具备开放的心态,拓展开放的视野、以开放性的行为充分利用外部资源,请进来、走出去。  职业教育是我国国民教育体系的有机和重要组成部分,其教育的目标和策略,相较于全日制的大中专院校,教育定位具有明显的差异化。会计