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建筑是凝固的音乐,建筑是一部石头史书。人们用泥土、砖、瓦、石材、木材等材料建起住宅、桥梁、体育馆等,而这些建筑,记录了人类的历史。在宁波市海曙区,有一所职校名叫宁波第二技师学院,对建筑类专业追求卓越,且硕果累累。其中,建筑施工专业不仅是学校的骨干专业,而且还是浙江省示范专业、浙江省品牌专业;学校的建筑教学团队在全省、全国建筑工程类技能大赛上一出征必获奖,近几年,在全国职业技能大赛上获得8金、5银、3铜的优异成绩。学子的风采……看图便知。 Architecture is solidified music, architecture is a stone history book. People use dwellings, bricks, tiles, stone, wood and other materials to build houses, bridges, stadiums, etc., and these buildings record the history of mankind. In Haishu District of Ningbo City, there is a vocational school named Ningbo No.2 Technician College, which pursues excellence in construction specialty and has achieved great results. Among them, the construction of professional construction is not only the backbone of the school profession, but also a demonstration of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province, brand professional; school construction teaching team in the province, the National Construction Skills Skill Contest must be awarded an award in recent years, National Vocational Skills Competition received 8 gold, 5 silver, 3 bronze excellent results. Student style ... ... see the picture will know.
刊号:CN 11-5459/S ISSN 1673-5064由中国林科院木材工业研究所主办,中国林科院木材工业研究所信息中心承办,是我国专题报道人造板行业全方位信息的杂志。主要面向人造板、人
This work presents a theoretical and experimental study on the gate current 1/f noise in Al GaN/GaN HEMTs. Based on the carrier number fluctuation in the two-di
摘 要 在职业教育投入不足,优质职业教育资源稀缺的情况下,职教集团是实现资源共享、盘活现有资源、拓展融资渠道的重要方式和有效途径。  【关键词】职教集团;人才培养;模式;创新  1 我校目前人才培养模式现状  在三十多年的办学历程中,我校形成了形式多样的人才培养模式,但是随着社会形势的发展,目前我校的人才培养模式还存在相当的问题。  1.1 全日制中专教育“三段式教学”模式面临招生难问题  这是我
某水库左岸供水隧洞工程,于1991年发生了衬砌爆裂等严重事故。本文将介绍这一事故的简况,并重点分析其产生的原因。 The left bank of a reservoir water supply tunnel project,
This paper presents an 11-bit 160 MS/s 2-channel current-steering digital-to-analog converter(DAC)IP. The circuit and layout are carefully designed to optimize
In this paper, we propose a method that builds power model template according to input transitions of combinatorial logic circuit. By computing its correlation