随着新课程的实施,课堂上教师的教学行 为也在悄然发生着变化。走进数学课堂,我们 经常会发现教师们都喜欢用儿童熟悉的卡通形 象创设富有童趣味的教学情境,来激发学生的 学习兴趣,调动学生的学习积极性,这无疑是 有利于促进学生的发展。但是如果借用某些卡 通形象的'嘴'和'手'来变相地实施灌输式 的教学,则又是走回了老路。前不久,听了《认 图形》一节课,教师是这样组织学习过程的。
With the implementation of the new curriculum, the teaching activities of teachers in the classroom are quietly changing. Into the math class, we often find that teachers like to use children's familiar cartoon image to create rich and interesting teaching situations, to stimulate students' interest in learning and arouse students' enthusiasm for learning. This is undoubtedly conducive to the promotion of students' development. However, if we use some cartoon images of mouth and hand to carry out instilling teaching in disguise, we are walking back to old age. Not long ago, after hearing the lesson of “Recognition of Graphics”, the teacher organized the learning process in this way.