In-situ reduction of silver by surface DBD plasma:a novel method for preparing highly effective elec

来源 :等离子体科学和技术(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:reddhong
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Electromagnetic interference(EMI)shielding composites with good flexibility and weatherability properties have attracted increased attention.In this study,we combined the surface modification method of sub-atmospheric pressure glow discharge plasma with in situ atmospheric pressure surface dielectric barrier discharge plasma(APSDBD)reduction to prepare polyethylene terephthalate supported silver(Ag/PET).Due to the prominent surface modification of PET film,mild plasma reduction,and effective control of the silver morphology by polyvinylpyrrolidone(PVP),a 3.32 μm thick silver film with ultralow sliver loading(0.022 wt%)exhibited an EMI shielding efficiency(SE)of 39.45 dB at 0.01 GHz and 31.56 dB at 1.0 GHz(>30dB in the range of 0.01-1.0 GHz).The SEM results and EMI shielding analysis indicated that the high performance originated from the synergistic effect of the formation of silver nanoparticles(AgNPs)with preferentially oriented cell-like surface morphologies and layer-by-layer-like superimposed microstructures inside,which demonstrated strong microwave reflection properties.Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and x-ray diffractometer showed that the surface structures of the heat-sensitive substrate materials were not destroyed by plasma.Additionally,APSDBD technology for preparing Ag/PET had no special requirements on the thickness,dielectric constant,and conductivity of the substrate,which provides an effective strategy for manufacturing metal or alloy films on surfaces of heat-sensitive materials at a relatively low cost.
研究了挤压Mg-4.0Sm-xCa(x=0.5,1.0,1.5,mass fraction%)合金经过200℃等温时效处理后的显微组织、时效硬化行为和力学性能。结果表明,随着Ca的添加,在镁基体中形成针/棒状的
土地覆盖数据是全球环境变化相关研究和应用的重要数据基础,在诸多领域中被广泛运用。FROM-GLC30 2017数据是最新的全球高分辨率(30 m)公开土地覆盖数据集之一。土地覆盖数据集的精度是其在不同领域应用中的重要问题。本研究旨在探讨FROM-GLC30 2017数据集精度在全国范围内的空间分布,并比较不同土地覆盖类型精度的区域差异。本研究以亚米级高分辨率遥感影像为基础,对布设在中国范围内的64
为研究高聚物防渗墙的抗震性能,开展了土石坝高聚物防渗墙和混凝土防渗墙离心机振动台模型试验研究.在调幅分别为0.2g和0.4g El-Centro地震波输入条件下,通过对墙体动应力、
在已集中连片改造为农田的盐碱地上,开展无人机遥感作物土壤空间异质性分析与光谱指数响应胁迫诊断对于提升盐碱地利用效率、创造更多经济效益与生态价值具有重要意义。本研究以山东省东营市黄河三角洲典型滨海盐碱地集中连片旱作农田的主要作物——高粱和玉米为研究对象,利用固定翼无人机获取400 hm2滨海盐碱地多光谱遥感数据,并结合地面195个采样点的3个土层(0~10 cm、10~20 cm、20~40 cm)