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  Here in New Orleans’ Jackson Square, the strains of Sweet Georgia Brown accompany just about the most popular yet unlikely man in town.
  Bobby Jindal is not a musician nor a restauranteur, but a mere governor who, after the 2)Katrina 3)debacle, is trying to put “the Big Uneasy” back on dry land. This son of immigrants, Ivy League educated, is all of 37 years old. He’s been called the “Great Beige Hope” of the Republican Party.
  Bobby Jindal: I think the Republican Party needs to stop thinking about who the next messenger is, they need to stop thinking about how they fix their party. We need to start thinking about how do we help fix our country.
  He’s the first non-white governor of Louisiana since 4)Reconstruction. And in a state that’s been described as half underwater, half under indictment, this eager and ambitious young whirlwind is determined to change all that.
  Jindal: I’m not going to take “No” for an answer on reforming our ethics laws.
  I think what voters were saying when they elected me: “We’re tired of the past. We’re tired of corrupt politics. We’re as tired as the same old politicians. We know we’re better than that.”
  If Jindal can truly change “5)business as usual” in Louisiana, it may be because he’s an outsider.
  The son of immigrants who arrived from India in the early 70s, he was born in Baton Rouge, where his mother earned a Doctorate in nuclear physics. His father was a civil engineer. He went to Brown University, where he studied biology, trying to fulfill his parent’s dream to become a doctor. He was admitted to Harvard Medical School and Yale Law, but declined both. Instead he accepted a Rhodes Scholarship, and by the 6)ripe old age of 24 he was running the Louisiana health care system. He is a classic product of the American “melting pot.”
  Host: That seems a huge reach for people like that to vote for somebody as, 7)quote unquote, exotic as Bobby Jindal.
  Jim Amoss(Editor): He shares in many ways the 8)conservative values of people in north Louisiana, and then the other big factor that I think played in north Louisiana as well as south Louisiana is Katrina.
  Hurricane Katrina and the 9)bungled state and federal response, more than anything else, set the stage for change in Louisiana. Jindal took us to the still-devastated Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans.
  Jindal: Anybody watching what happened in 2005 should come away with the distinct conclusion we should never allow that to happen again.
  Host: You talk about 10)bureaucratic indifference. Do you think that’s particular to any party?
  Jindal: No, but I don’t think as Americans we should accept anything other than excellence in our government. Look, I’m a Republican, I don’t think government’s the answer to every problem, but that does…that doesn’t mean we should accept 11)incompetence.
  But where he seems to be making the biggest waves is in ethics reform. Just weeks after taking office he forced through several bills that, among other things, called for far more 12)transparency in the financial dealings of politicians. It was a radical break with a tradition established in the 1930s by that powerful and massively corrupt governor Huey Long.
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语音:英美发音 适合泛听  语速:150词/分钟  关键词:Australia, Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Independent MP    Australia’s 1)agonizing wait for a new government is finally over. Independent Members of Parliament have annou
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作者是从美国南加州大学毕业的MBA,后留校任教师。他迄今已在中国工作、生活了四年。在华期间,他曾任上海交通大学MBA课程的全职老师,在纽约大学上海交流中心授课,并给在华的外国企业提供跨文化管理咨询。他用自己的亲身经历讲述了对中国式教育的看法。    Only technical knowledge coupled with well-developed critical and creative
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