
来源 :中华医学教育杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aiyi23_2008
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目的:探究面向患者的健康宣教在八年制临床医学专业学生儿科学实习中的应用效果。方法:采用问卷调查方法。选择2019年1月至3月在北京大学第三医院普通儿科病房实习的2014级八年制临床医学专业15名学生为研究对象,开展医学生面向住院患儿及家长的集体健康宣教。对学生、患儿及家长、教师进行健康宣教效果的问卷调查,采用符号秩和检验进行数据分析。结果:学生在实施健康宣教前后,在个人价值[ 3.5(2.3,4.0)分比4.5(3.8,5.0)分]、医疗管理[4.0(2.5,4.0)分比5.0(4.0,5.0)分]、专业知识[3.8(2.3,4.0)分比4.8(4.0,5.0)分]和综合素质[3.8(2.5,4.0)分比5.0(4.0,5.0)分] 4个方面对健康宣教评价比较,其差异均具有统计学意义(n P<0.05)。90.0%(63/70)的患儿及家长认为健康宣教对增加健康知识很有效果,87.1%(61/70)的患儿及家长认为健康宣教对提高配合治疗的意愿和增加对医生的信任度方面很有效果。教师对学生健康宣教总评分为93.0(85.0,100)分,其中准确性分值最高[25.0(22.0,25.0)分],趣味性分值最低[22.0(20.0,25.0)分]。86.2%(25/29)的教师认为健康宣教在促进学生理论知识巩固和提高学生学习积极性等方面有效果。n 结论:健康宣教有助于提升八年制临床医学专业学生的自身价值,有助于提高学生的沟通能力、学习积极性和解决问题的综合能力,得到了患儿及家长的广泛认可,得到了临床教师的一致肯定。“,”Objective:To explore the effectiveness of patient-oriented health education in the pediatric training by eight-year program undergraduates.Methods:From January to March in 2019, fifteen students from eight-year program of clinical medicine enrolled in 2014 who were intern in the general pediatric ward of Peking University Third Hospital were selected as the research objects to carry out collective health education for hospitalized children and their parents. A questionnaire survey was carried out to evaluate the outcome of health education among the students, children, parents and teachers and the Wilcoxon test is used to analyze the results.Results:Before and after health education, the differences in the evaluation of health education in four aspects covering personal value[3.5 (2.3, 4.0) vs. 4.5 (3.8, 5.0), medical management[4.0 (2.5, 4.0) vs. 5.0(4.0, 5.0)], professional knowledge[3.8 (2.3, 4.0) vs. 4.8 (4.0, 5.0)]and comprehensive quality [3.8 (2.5, 4.0) vs. 5.0 (4.0, 5.0)] are statistically significant (n P<0.05). The results also showed that 90.0% (63/70) of children and their parents believe health education is very effective in increasing health knowledge, 87.1% (61/70) of them believe that the education helps them in increasing compliance and trust in doctors. The teacher's overall score is 93.0 (85.0, 100), of which the accuracy score is the highest [25 .0(22.0, 25.0)], and the interesting score is the lowest [22 .0(20.0, 25.0)]. There are 86.2% (25/29) of teachers believe that health education is effective in consolidating students' theoretical knowledge and stimulated their learning enthusiasm.n Conclusions:Health education helps to enhance the personal value of undergraduates from eight-year program of clinical medicine, improves their communication skills, learning attitude, and comprehensive capacity to solve problems. It is a teaching method welcomed by children and their parents and unanimously accepted by clinical trainers.
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