
来源 :中国青年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xhhb925
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翻检100年的岁月,却原来我们有很长时间是不敢轻言娱乐的。在那漫长的岁月里,人活着是为了革命,是为了工作,是为了为人民服务。而娱乐只是为了更好地革命,更好地工作,更好地为人民服务。那时候,娱乐即使不说有罪,起码也让想娱乐的人感到理亏,而娱乐行业与娱乐产业对于那个时代最向往娱乐的人们来说,也是不可想像的。幸好我们在这个世纪最后的岁月里重新校正了发展的方向。20年的改革开放不仅让我们的物质生活升级换代,也使我们的精神生活扬眉吐气。今天,我们谁都可以理直气壮地说“娱乐无罪”。我们甚至也可以不必讳言:我们努力工作是为了更好地娱乐。面对这样的现实,我们或许不得不承认,人在本质上是需要娱乐胜于需要工作的。既然人们需要娱乐,就更需要不断更新、发展娱乐的手段与方式。在这不可阻挡的原动力的推波助澜之下,100年来,我们的娱乐方式不断发生着天翻地覆的变化。在本世纪之前,长达数千年的人类文明史上,除了唱歌跳舞之外,人们娱乐的工具不过纸牌和各种棋类等可怜的几种。而短短的100年里,各式各样新奇的娱乐工具与方式却让我们眼花缭乱、目不暇接。在这里,我们可以举出其中最有代表性、最能带来根本性变革的7种娱乐“玩具”。 Check the 100 years of years, but we had a long time is not dare to say entertainment. In those long years, people were living for revolution, for work, for serving the people. But entertainment is only for a better revolution, better work, and better service to the people. At the time, even if entertainment was not guilty of plea, at least it was inconvenient for those who wanted to entertain, and the entertainment industry and the entertainment industry were unthinkable for the people most entertained in that era. Fortunately, we have recalibrated the direction of development in the last years of this century. The 20 years of reform and opening up not only allow us to upgrade our material life, but also make our spiritual life elated. Today, we can all confidently say “innocence ”. We even need not deny that we work hard to be better entertained. Faced with this reality, we may have to admit that people are essentially in need of entertainment rather than work. Since people need entertainment, they need to constantly update and develop the means and ways of entertainment. Under this irresistible driving force, our entertainment has undergone tremendous changes over the past 100 years. Before this century, in the history of human civilization for thousands of years, besides the singing and dancing, people used to play musical instruments but poor things like playing cards and all kinds of chess. In a short period of 100 years, all kinds of novelty entertainment tools and methods have dazzled us and dazzled them. Here, we can cite seven of the most entertaining “toys” that can bring about the most fundamental changes.
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本文发明的新工艺将原工艺的六步工序减为两步,产率由68.87%提高到95%.新工艺具有流程短、产率高、投资少、成本低、三废少等优点。是生产醋酸正丁酯较为理想的方法。 The new process