
来源 :人民军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hutuxiaoshenxian
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沃绍(Virchou)很早就提出血栓形成主要有三大因素,即血管受损、血小板质量的改变以及血浆成份的变化。从病理上看,动脉血栓(白色血栓)如脑血栓的形成是血小板聚积物的瘀积,其表面为纤维蛋白层所覆盖。因此,血小板在动脉血栓形成中起了促发作用。近年来,由于对血小板的亚微结构、组织化学、生理功能以及生化代谢的深入研究,特别是花生四烯酸代谢和血小板中血栓烷 A_2的发现,人们对血小板在血栓形成中的病因与发病机制得到了进一步的了解。一、血小板的代谢特点血小板是最小的血细胞,直径为2~4μm,容积只有红细胞的1/8,共形状犹如双凸镜。电镜下可将血小板分为三个区,即外周区、溶胶凝胶区和细胞器区。血小板内虽无细胞核,但具备血小板特有的细胞器,如微小管、微细丝、α颗粒、致密体等。血小板的主要功能有粘附、聚集、释放、收缩作用。 Virchou proposed long ago that there are three main factors in the formation of thrombus, namely, vascular damage, changes in platelet quality, and plasma composition. Pathologically, arterial thrombus (white thrombus) such as cerebral thrombosis is the accumulation of platelet accumulation of blood stasis, the surface covered by the fibrin layer. Therefore, platelets play a role in the development of arterial thrombosis. In recent years, due to the sub-micro-structure of platelets, histochemistry, physiological functions and biochemical metabolism in-depth study, especially the metabolism of arachidonic acid and platelet thromboxane A 2 found in people on the cause of thrombosis and etiology and pathogenesis The mechanism has been further understood. First, the metabolic characteristics of platelets Platelets are the smallest blood cells, diameter 2 ~ 4μm, the volume of only 1/8 of red blood cells, the shape is like a double convex lens. Electron microscopy platelets can be divided into three areas, the outer zone, sol gel zone and organelle area. Although there is no platelet nuclei, but with platelet-specific organelles, such as tiny tubes, microfilaments, α particles, dense body. The main function of platelets are adhesion, aggregation, release, contraction.
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作者报告了17例经组织学证实的海绵窦转移瘤,男性8例、女性9例,年龄38—77岁。临床症状和体征均为单侧性。强化CT 扫描,16例病人均显示症状侧海绵窦强化性软组织肿块,边缘光
作者报告一例单侧腓肠肌真性肥大。认为骨骼肌真性肥大系失神经性病理变化。 47岁,男性,4年前发现左侧腓肠肌单侧性肥大。其双亲为表兄妹。检查所见左侧腓肠肌最大周径比右
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