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鹅口疮是小儿科一种常见疾病.现代医学认为是白色念珠球菌感染口腔粘膜所致。余用广丹外擦治疗28例,疗效显著,现予介绍:一、治疗方法:先用干净纱布蘸二道淘米水(第一道水杂质多,不用)洗口,再用纱布拈广丹少许轻擦患处,一日2~3次,一般2~4日即愈.二、典型病例:王某,女,11个月,1984年9月1日就诊.其母代述:患儿两日来,烦躁不安,哭叫不休,喂乳不吮,口涎不断,不发烧.大便呈奶瓣样,日2~3次.检查发现患儿口舌满布雪白色斑点,状如凝乳,且有向咽喉蔓延之势,擦去后则渗血,诊断为鹅口疮、取广丹3克,按上法用之.次日复诊,白屑退去大半,烦躁渐平,开始进乳.连用药两日白屑脱净,立即停药.因该药有毒,不得久用,以免中毒. Thrush is a common disease in pediatrics. Modern medicine is believed to be caused by oral mucosal infection of Candida albicans. The remaining 28 cases were treated with Guangdan external rubbing. The curative effect was significant. Now, the treatment method is as follows: First, use a clean gauze to wash the second Taomi water (the first water has more impurities, no need) to wash the mouth, and then use gauze to spread. Dan touched the affected area a little, 2 to 3 times a day, usually 2 to 4 days Jiyu. Second, typical cases: Wang, female, 11 months, September 1, 1984 visits. Its mother Dai Dai: children For two days, irritability, crying, endless feeding, continuous phlegm, no fever. The stool was milk-like, 2 or 3 times a day. The examination revealed that the tongue was full of snow-white spots, like curd , And to the spread of the throat, after the wipe is oozing, diagnosed as thrush, take Guangdan 3 grams, according to the method used. Referred the next day, white debris retreat, fidget gradually flat, began to milk. The drug is used for two days, and the crumbs are debrided and immediately stopped. Because the drug is toxic, it must not be used for a long time to avoid poisoning.
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