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为了将人类的基因图谱和全部知识传播出去,研究人员近日提出了一个相当激进的计划:用激光把这些信息上传到“宇宙云”上,以防某一天地球和人类遭遇不测。据领导该计划的科学家称,这个名叫“人类之声”的计划,是“给人类备份”。该项目的研究团队说,“我们的长期目标是,先利用激光传输数据、然后再利用定向能量航天器携带数据,把人类的信息发送到其他星球上去。这样,我们就为人类创造了一个‘备份’,把宇宙当作了我 In order to disseminate the human genome and all of its knowledge, researchers have recently proposed a rather radical plan to use laser light to upload this information to the ”cosmic cloud“ to prevent the Earth and humankind from unexpected events on a certain day. According to scientists who led the program, the plan, called ”The Voice of Humanity,“ is ”giving human backup.“ The project’s research team said, ”Our long-term goal is to first use laser transmission of data, and then use directional energy spacecraft to carry data to send human information to other planets, thus creating a ’Backup’, the universe as me
河南地处南北气候和山区到平原的两个过渡地带,境内又有江、淮、黄、海四大流域,地理气候条件特殊,水旱灾害频繁,水利建设在河南的地位显得尤为重要。 近年来的连续洪涝灾害
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