《Analyses The Application Of Color In Packaging》

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  【ABSTRACT】: Economic development to drive the improvement of living standards, the child is the hope of a family, children eat the food is a necessity in life, parents in the premise of the economic foundation would buy children like food, meet the needs of children. As a graphic designer, how to make the packaging more attractive that we should consider problems, this paper is from the perspective of children food packaging color of this study, how to increase the degree to which products to attract consumers on color, increase product sales.
  For children and is divided into several stages: 0-3 years old children belong to the infant period, 3 years old to 6 years old children belong to the preschool children, aged 6-14 belongs to school-age children, different age groups of children perception of color is completely different, color has the different effect on children.
  【Key words】:Children food packaging ;color ;Age
  The first chapter :All ages children physiological and psychological changes
  For 0-3 year old children, attention is a basic psychological development process. From newborns to 1 year old baby, attention to the development of process mainly from the unconditioned reflex to pay attention to a new things to for some color gorgeous object or a voice response, and began to search through the body. Age 1 to 3 years old children to interest can not only pay attention to the things, but also to listen to adults of the story. 0 to 3 years old children still in a stage of unconscious, and imagination is too simple. The imagination of children is to look at the outside things to myself and processed in the brain to create, produce new things, the process of children aged 0 to 1 is no imagination, age 1 to 3 years is budding stage in the development of children imagination.
  The second chapter: Of all ages children perception of the outside world
  一: 0 to 3 years old children
  For children aged 0 to 3 years old, the color of purity and lightness plays an important role, especially in bright red, big green such high purity, tall lightness color is very sensitive. But for this age children, their cognitive ability is not strong, also do not have the ability choose and buy goods. So for this age group are mostly parents as the main consumer packaging design to carry on the design, but for parents, the product quality is the first consideration when buying their problems. Our designer need to do is how to let parents trust on food, and through the packaging to better reflect the food itself. Through the survey found that in this age group most of food packaging is pink is given priority to, such as pink, pink is green. Because the quality is very good to comply with their parents in the heart of the consumer groups, can make the person produces the feeling of sweet, comfortable, and parents trust to this kind of product is improved.   二: 3 to 6 years old children
  For children 3 years old to 6 years of age, with its own development, also changed to color be fond of and perception, this period of children not only can accurately identify bright color, and for some subtle color changes have very big distinction. Objects and kids this age can be classified, such as a piece of red bricks, a red ball, a red truck, they all have a common nature is is red color. In general, children like generally warm color department during this period, especially for identification of red, yellow and green colors. At the same time, with the increase of preschool children life experience, we will associate the feeling of color and taste, such as children might associate with apple, cherry, red, pink and peach, purple with grapes. It is because of these visual and taste of the children in food choices, from complex to choose their favorite food packaging.
  二: 6 to 14 years old children
  Children aged 6-14 belongs to school-age children, are in elementary school they have independently to buy their favorite things, and at this stage of children with brain constantly perfected, induction of things and the rapid development and observation ability, and constantly improve the color perception degrees. Boys and girls to the tendency of color difference, this stage of the boys prefer red, blue, green wait for color, while girls like red, yellow, white, green wait for color. So designers in the design should consider the color tendency of different gender children.
  The third chapter:The application of color in food packing
  Children belong to a special group packaging of products, want to consider children each stage on the different cognition of colors, to choose according to their psychological and physiological characteristics of different color design. Children perception of color is sensitive, especially 6 years old to 14 years old children at this stage, they can choose their own favorite color, especially some items of profusion of a color. Packing also have rules to follow, but children in the main body color choices of high purity color, secondary color choose theme color contrast color or complementary color, followed by the main body color of the adjacent color, so the whole packing will belong to a system, for the consumer to see is more complete, more visual wallop, otherwise no purchasing power.
  Now packaging has high demands on the color, the designer to improve their color feeling more in the consumer's point of view on the basis of the design problem, to design the product classification, and then study each kind of the corresponding customers, what are the characteristics of consumers, so as to make a good design.
【摘要】:艺术来源于生活,声乐是歌唱者通过调整自身“乐器”——嗓音及各个歌唱机能来完成的艺术实践活动,本文主要阐述声乐学习中各种抽象的、内在的、看不见、摸不着的东西,怎样通过语言与现实具体的生活相联系,让学生真正的懂得艺术确实来源于生活,不仅让声乐学习变的生活化,还能培养学生认真的生活态度。  【关键词】:生活;艺术;声乐;教学;声乐学习  声乐是歌唱者通过调整自己的嗓音及各个身体的歌唱器官来完成
【摘要】:本文旨在探讨手绘表现技法课程的教学重点。通过总结设计手绘训练的心得,分析初学者手绘训练的普遍问题,以及学生在手绘训练中遇到的困境,探讨了培养学生草图意识和能力的教学模式及方法。  【关键词】:图示思维;设计草图;图解思考方法  在室内设计行业中,手绘是学习和工作中不可或缺的技能,以设计草图为主,贯穿室内方案的设计过程。从前期接到项目进行分析解读,到中期方案初步构思,再到付诸于笔端形成比较
【摘要】:在幼儿体育的教育的过程中,应当注重对幼儿天性的开掘,并且运用趣味性更强的体育锻炼方法达到增强幼儿体质的目的。在幼儿体育趣味性植入方面,融入民间体育游戏是一种有效的办法,本文将以民间体育游戏在幼儿体育教学中的应用作为研究对象,探讨如何通过体育游戏提高幼儿体育教育的教学效果。  【关键词】:民间体育游戏;幼儿体育;体育教学;教学应用  前言  幼儿阶段不仅是个体心理状态形成的重要阶段,也是为
在教学的课堂中,问与答是课堂教学传递与反馈信息的重要渠道和手段。创设好的设问,可以激发学生的思维,让学生在课堂中产生积极的思考。学生的回答和提出的问题会有不同的形式,回答可能五花八门,关乎堂课学习的质量好坏。如何处理好学生的这一问题,积极引导、启发学生的思维,使得学生能在学习中处于有效性?我谈谈自己的一些做法。  一、肯定赞扬,激发热情  教育心理学认为:课堂教学中,最能引起学生学习兴趣的就是学生
【摘要】:王阳明的成圣之旅充满传奇,其文治武功吸引无数人关注,但如果不理清成圣的一般原理,盲目效范其个人行为,无益于今人的成仁成德。王阳明经历了立志成圣、学佛学道、借雄成圣、苦功朱学、龙场悟道、致良知学说创立与完善、天泉证道等复杂曲折过程。今人成德必须明确成圣内涵,避免希高慕大;懂得成圣艰难,立志长期修炼;找准修炼法门,增进修炼果效。  【关键词】:王阳明;成圣;致良知;启示  传统文化逐渐升温,