粮企扭亏增盈 粮改初见成效——对鞍山市粮改情况的调查

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鞍山市共有7家粮食购销企业,承担国储、地储、粮食购销等任务。1999年在粮价走低、供大于求、顺销不畅等情况下,坚决贯彻落实国务院“三项政策、一项改革”,及时有效地调整经营战咯,强化企业管理,加大促销力度,市场观念不断增强,到1999年末,实现盈利713万元,实现了扭亏增盈的目标。一、敞开收购不动摇1、坚定不移地按照保护价敞开收购农民手中余粮。7家粮食购销企业中有5家承担收购任务,这5家企业坚持“服务到位、资金到位、封闭检验”的原则,及时收购农民手中余粮,首先做到不拒收,不限收,及时收购。各粮库还成 Anshan City, a total of seven food buying and selling enterprises, commitment to the State Reserve, land storage, grain purchasing and marketing tasks. In 1999, under the circumstances of lower food prices, oversupply and sluggish sales, the three policies of the State Council and a reform were resolutely implemented, adjusting the business strategy in a timely and effective manner, strengthening the management of enterprises, increasing the promotion efforts, The concept of the market continued to grow. By the end of 1999, the company achieved a profit of 7.13 million yuan and achieved the goal of turning losses into profits. First, unshake the open acquisition 1, unswervingly in accordance with the protection of open-ended purchase of surplus farmers in the hands of grain. Five of the seven food purchase and sales companies undertake the acquisition. The five companies adhere to the principle of “service is in place, funds are in place, and closed testing”, and the timely purchase of surplus grain from peasants is the first step to do not refuse, not limited to, timely acquisition . Each grain depot also into
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对付蚊子六法 香水驱蚊:在床单上洒点香水,蚊子就不敢飞近。 香烟头驱蚊:把香烟头收集起来,剥取烟丝,投入厕所,可除臭驱蚊。 清凉油驱蚊:在卧室内,放几盒揭开盖的清凉油,可
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为美化人民生活,保护身体健康,本刊开辟“皮肤保健医生”园地,聘请一些享有名望的皮肤科专家,就护肤养颜问题及化妆美容病患者进行义诊,欢迎读者来函求医。 In order to bea
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