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Zim&Zou来自法国南希的双人手工设计工作室,擅于用彩纸做各种雕塑、装置作品。女孩儿Lucie Thomas出生于1987年的孚日省,男孩儿Thibanlt Zimmermann出生于1986年的巴黎。平面设计系毕业之后的他们,转而进入真实三维世界,用自己的双手去做“实实在在的”设计。其作品生动又充满时尚感,拍摄之后二维表现力也不俗,是近几年来众多媒体争相报道的视觉宠儿。从设计专业毕业的年轻设计师们似乎总有某种身份的困惑,不甘于局限自己,把理想决定在艺术家的高度。在这一点上,Zim&Zou有自己的平衡之道。他们既忠于自己对手工艺术品的热爱,不懈地探索不同材质在艺术上的创造力,也深谙生存之道,将作品转化为商业,在品牌合作中争取最大的创作自由度。 Zim & Zou from France Nancy double hand design studio, good at using colored paper to do all kinds of sculpture, installation works. Girl Lucie Thomas was born in Vosges Province in 1987, the boy Thibanlt Zimmermann was born in 1986 in Paris. After graduating from graphic design department, they turned to the real three-dimensional world, with their own hands to do “real ” design. Vivid and full of fashion sense of his work, two-dimensional expressive after shooting is not bad, is the visual darling of many media coverage in recent years. Young designers graduating from the design profession seem to have a certain identity of the confusion, unwilling to limit themselves, the ideal to determine the height of the artist. At this point, Zim & Zou have their own balance. They are both loyal to their love of handicrafts, tirelessly exploring the artistic creativity of different materials, and well versed in the way of survival, translating the work into business and striving for maximum creative freedom in brand cooperation.
<正> 当前,在农村使用石硫合剂时,往往手头缺少波美比重计或其他仪器,无法测知原液浓度,不知道该加多少倍水才合适。既怕加水多了不起防治作用,又怕加水少了发生药害。 现介
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1、由共青团陕西省委、团西安市委共同主办的“争当四好少年”开学主题日活动于3月4日在黄河小学举行。 1, organized by the Communist Youth League Shaanxi Provincial P
贝多芬说:我情愿写10000个音符,也不愿写一个字母。  而我,情愿用10000个字,去换贝多芬的一个音符。但我知道,他根本不稀罕。  有什么办法?在伟大的艺术与它谦卑的粉丝之间,就存在着这种不平等。  但我依旧虔诚地朝拜着,并且相信:每写下10000个字,就与音乐圣殿的距离又近了一个音符……   起初,是我的耳朵先认识他们的,他们操着南腔北调,打来电话:“喂?您好,我是×××唱片公司的企划宣传,
竹螟(竹织叶野螟Algedonia Cocles-alis Walker)是我省毛竹的主要害虫。受害竹林,由于竹叶被食,光合效率骤降(严重时导致当年新竹大量死亡),而致竹林生长衰退,造成下一年度